Israel accuses Hamas terrorists of ceasefire violations and resumes attacks in Gaza

The ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas terrorists ended this Friday (1st) at 2 a.m. (5 a.m. local time) and the Israeli army announced that it had resumed hostilities, while an AFP journalist reported attacks from the Air and aerial artillery attacks on the city of Gaza were observed.

“Hamas violated the pause in operations and also fired into Israeli territory,” the army said in a statement, adding that it “has resumed the fight against the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip.”

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Since the Qatarbrokered agreement came into force on November 24, 107 hostages have left captivity in the Gaza Strip and returned to their families. In return, the Israeli government released around 300 Palestinians whom it held in prisons across the country.

In this ceasefire, women and children were given priority to return to their families for more than 50 days of war.

Of the 240 people kidnapped in the October 7 terrorist attack, 130 are awaiting release through negotiations even a Brazilian is in this situation.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Israel this Thursday (30) and called for a further extension of the ceasefire.

“It is clear that we want this process to move forward,” the American diplomat said after meeting leaders of the Israeli and Palestinian Authority. “We want an eighth day [de trégua] and beyond,” he added.

The White House, together with partners in the region, is trying to free US citizens who are in the hands of Hamas. Only a fouryearold child and an American with Israeli citizenship have been released in recent days.