Italy has 120, plus about twenty secret ones. Where are they and which ones have nuclear warheads? In Sicily the drone killers

It’s 120 NATO bases officially declared in Italy. However, it is assumed that there are 140 in total, 20 would be classified. 13,000 American soldiers live in our country. The main base of the Atlantic Alliance is in Sigonellain the plain of Catania, where the US Navy airport is located in the Mediterranean Sea, but there are other NATO positions across the island.

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Drones in Sicily

Overall, Sicily plays a fundamental role as a “station” for launching spy drones, these are the Global Hawks. These vehicles are used to patrol the RussianUkrainian border. From here, NATO monitors the movement of the Russian army. Sigonella is also the basis of another type of drone, the killer drones: the “Tritons” and the “Reaper”. In addition, Sigonella acts as a data transmission base for drone flights and attack plans. Sigonella’s counterparts are: the Ramstein base in Germany and that of Creech in Nevada.

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The main NATO bases

Next Sigonella There are: Camp Darby (located between Pisa and Livorno) there is an ammunition and bomb depot. gaeta (Province of Latina) the port houses the flagship and command of the 6th Fleet; ghedi (Province of Brescia), there is an atomic bomb depot; Aviano (province of Pordenone), the largest American air base in the Mediterranean, the place where almost all the nuclear warheads (estimates range from 40 to 70 bombs) capable of being flown by Italian fighterbombers were brought together, the others are Ghedi, before that there were also in Rimini. then Vicenza: where the US Army Command for Southern Europe is located; The NATO Deployable Air Command and Control Center is located at the Italian Air Force Air Force Base at Poggio Renatico in the province of Ferrara. TO Motta di Livenzain the province of Treviso, in the Mario Fiore Barracks, the Multinational Cimic Group, a joint multinational department, is based. Stock Ederle, in Vicenza, is actually a United States military base where thousands of American soldiers are stationed. In the Ugo Mara barracks in Solbiate Olona in the province of Varese is the Italian NATO Rapid Reaction Corps, which can be quickly deployed anywhere in crisis scenarios. TO Naples one of NATO’s two operational commands, the Allied Joint Force Command, has its headquarters. Also in Naples are the command of the US Marines Security Force, the US submarine base and the US Air Force Command for the Mediterranean. Instead, in Mondragone, in the province of Caserta, is the antinuclear underground for use by the American and NATO command in the event of war.

The nuclear warheads

A total of 70 nuclear warheads are stored in Italy, located in two bases: Aviano and Ghedi. Some B614 nuclear bombs are housed in Aviano. Other nuclear bombs of the type B613, B614 and B617 are located at the Ghedi military airport.