Kid Rock to Tucker Carlson: “F—Fauci”

Musician Kid Rock suggested Dr. Anthony Faucifaucianthony 03262020gettyAnthony FauciSome states withdraw from daily COVID coverage Hvistendahl: Reports that COVID-19 is ‘dangerous’ from US-funded labcarlson 92518Tucker CarlsonFree Flow of Information Vital in a Troubled World Five Things Zelensky Should Look for in Address Before Congressional Panel on ‘The View’ Urges DOJ to Investigate Tucker Carlson for Putin Rhetoric MORE, ‘F— Fauci,” when asked about the leadership Infectious Disease Doctor.

Carlson replied to his commentand said, “You speak for many when you say that.”

Kid Rock, whose real name is Robert James Ritchie, added that at the start of the pandemic he believed all the “bullshit” and was “hosing down UPS packages” and “hosing down” doorknobs.

“A few months of this shit and I’m like, what? he added. “I’m like, I’m good.”

The full interview will air Monday night at 8 p.m. ET on Fox News.

The conservative rocker has long been critical of Fauci and the COVID-19 mitigation policies. He previously released a swearword-filled anti-Biden anthem, repeating the phrase “Let’s go, Brandon.”

“Wear your mask, take your pills. Now a whole generation is mentally ill,” says one line of the song.

Fauci last year said conservative attacks against him were “attacks on science.”

“It’s very dangerous,” he said on MSNBC, “because a lot of what you see as attacks on me are frankly attacks on science, because all the things I’ve been consistently talking about from the start have basically been.” on a scientific basis.”

In another teaser for Monday’s interview, Kid Rock was asked, “Why weren’t you canceled?”

“I’m irredeemable,” Kid Rock said while donning a We The People hat.

“I’m not in bed with any big corporate stuff. At the end of the day there is no one I am committed to – no record companies, no corporate interests, no nothing. You can’t fire me,” he said. “I love it when they try.”

The 51-year-old musician is a vocal supporter of former President Trumptrumpdonald 070117gettyDonald TrumpNow It’s Time to Rebuild America’s Refugee Resettlement Program Is a Post-Trump Media World Taking Shape? Major revelations about government surveillance fail to garner MORE attention, praising him in another preview of the interview published on Monday.

“Now see if you see a Joe Bidenbidenjoe 081315getty 0Joe BidenBiden visits Poland during European trip Former DC judge, Penn law professor to introduce Ketanji Brown Jackson at US hearing, concludes violence against Myanmar’s Rohingya was genocide: Report MORE interview and you’ll see Trump interview, there is no comparison. And Trump speaks impromptu. I get what it’s like, sometimes you’re wrong. But I’d much rather hear someone coming from here [the heart] and get it wrong every now and then,” he added.

Kid Rock shared an anecdote of standing next to Trump in the White House and watching him read a line of prepared notes and then ad-librate them. “That’s why I liked him from the start,” Kid Rock said.

His interview comes on the same day of the digital release of his new album Bad Reputation.