‘Lake Chipotle’: Flooded Uptown Minneapolis Parking Lot Goes Viral

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Minnesotans are pretty proud of their 10,000 lakes. When a new one popped up in Minneapolis, it got people talking.

Dubbed “Lake Chipotle,” the new body of water is actually more of a parking lot puddle near Hennepin Avenue and 26th Street in front of a Chipotle restaurant

A “SLOW – No Wake Zone” sign is posted nearby. Uptown resident Joey Sansa says the lake has become an integral part of the area.

“It’s been here for a couple of years, yeah, it’s kind of an attraction,” Sansa said.

The lake even has its own website. It’s also on social media and Google Maps. You can even catch the occasional paddle boarder on its waters.

A few people told WCCO that we got to Lake Chipotle on a day off and that it’s much smaller at the moment and can sometimes take up a large chunk of the parking lot.

Lake Chipotle Flooded Uptown Minneapolis Parking Lot Goes Viral –

(Image credit: CBS)

“Sometimes it’s even worse when it’s raining or snowing, so I have to move around most of the time,” Sansa said.

And when it gets really cold, Elavontay Patterson, a Chipotle employee and a Louisiana native, says he even unpacks his skates.

“Sure, I was there skating. I liked it, it was cool,” Patterson said.

Chipotle customer Amy Cruz disagrees.

“It’s definitely something that needs to go. I ride the car once a week and I don’t know, sometimes it’s closed and they all park out here,” Cruz said.

But the mysterious manager of the lake’s website, who goes by the alias “Father Hennepin,” emailed WCCO with this statement: “Having a long winter behind us, we encourage everyone to go for walks or bike rides to rise Find the Lake Chipotles in your community!”

The City of Minneapolis tells WCCO that the parking situation is the responsibility of the property owner.