Land and Passion: Before Vinícius dies, he “screws Irene and corrects the mistake with Aline; Geologist realizes that it…


After helping Irene against Aline, Vinícius will correct his mistake and take revenge on his lover

Vinicius and Irene.  Photos: Reproduction/GloboVinicius and Irene. Photos: Reproduction/Globo

In the previous chapters of Earth and passion, Vinicius (Paulo Rocha) helped Irene (Glória Pires) in a coup A line (Barbara Reis). Led by his mother Petra (Débora Ozório), the geologist made the protagonist sign a document giving him the authority to sell the farmer’s property.

In love, the handsome man said that owning the land would make the villain richer than Antônio (Tony Ramos) and even suggested to his lover to break up with the rural producer. “Why do you think I would leave Antônio to be with you? Vinícius, you didn’t understand anything. I will not part with Antônio! “That never occurred to me,” said the Dondoca.

The vixen then explained that the action against Aline was only to please the family patriarch La Selva. The stepmother of Gaius (Cauã Reymond) also made it clear that he wants to show off Antonio Who is the perfect woman for him and not? Agatha (Eliane Giardini).

But according to André Romano from Observatório da TV, Irene’s joy won’t last long. After helping the former call girl, Paulo Rocha’s character will realize that he has been taken advantage of and will return the land to Aline. Later, the goodlooking guy is murdered by Luigi’s motherinlaw (Rainer Cadete).

Journalist, postgraduate in sports journalism and multimedia and editor of relevant content (focus on entertainment) at Bolavip Brasil. She is passionate about sports, books, series and films, especially the Lord of the Rings saga. She lived in Japan for four seasons and has been working in the field of journalism for eight years.