All the attention in the Principality of Monaco is devoted to this Charlene Wittstock, Alberto’s wife, returning from a hell of a time: first the very serious infection that blocked her in South Africa and forced her to undergo several operations, then the months of hospitalization in a Swiss specialist clinic. But now the rumor is going around Charlotte Casiraghi doesn’t have it easy.
She appears to be Carolina of Monaco’s second child as well as Alberto’s granddaughter in a crisis with her husband Dimitri Rassama LebaneseFrench film producer to whom she has been married since 2019. Listed by Vanity Fair as one of the most elegant women of her time, 35yearold Charlotte is raising some concerns about her health: not for an illness like Charlene’s, but for an alleged one postpartum depression. Although she gave birth to her second son, Balthazar, almost two years ago, Casiraghi still appears to be suffering from an inner malaise.
Recently, Cahrlotte seems to have foregone some representative engagements, cutting public spending: the house would be due to the return of the depression he had already experienced after the birth of his two children. Another bad news for Prince Philip: Not only his wife, now his niece too, seems to have serious health problems in this mental case.