Luca Calvani comes out: «Time stops and I only see light»

A few weeks after Alberto Matano and Riccardo Mannino’s wedding and with Pride Month at its peak, a popular and well-known TV face decides to finally go public with his partner. It’s about Luca Calvani who on June 30 decided to post a photo on Instagram showing him from behind and holding hands with Alessandro Franchini, his business partner. «Time stands still and I only see light. We”writes Calvani in support of an image that sees him and Franchini anxious to relax in a farmhouse under the Tuscan sun in the company of their small dog.

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Judging by the hashtag, It seems that Luca Calvani has been in a relationship for some time, that’s 2196 days, about six years. All this time, the actor, who recently took over the job of courtesy judge for guests of Diego Thomas alongside Csaba dalla Zorza and Roberto Valbuzzi, has always avoided raising the subject while enjoying the happiness that only a strong and stable union can bring like the one with Alessandro creates guarantee. The two jointly manage the farmhouse in Tuscany that frames the film’s footage come out: It is a structure in Camaiore, in the province of Lucca, where the couple moved to devote themselves to nature and to the relaxed rhythms that the city cannot offer.

Camilla Morandi /

During his career, Luca Calvani has worked on several Italian fictions, including The Police District, Don MatteoCarabinieri and Tutti pazzi per amore, but also to various international titles such as Beautiful, in which he played the role of Father Fontana, the priest who celebrated another Forrester wedding in Puglia in 2012, and in sex and the city, where he appeared in an episode in 2001. His name, however, is mainly associated with thatisland of the famous, which he managed to win in 2006 – it was Sara Tommasi, Den Harrow and Domiziana Giordano’s edition – and, even earlier, Men and Women, which he entered as a suitor at a very young age in 2004.


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