Mexico wants to activate deportation flights in view of the migration boom Cuban Directory

Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM) is taking steps to address the rise in irregular migration flows in the country’s railway system. This follows agreements reached during a recent interagency meeting held on September 22 in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.

As part of its engagement, the INM announced that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is conducting diplomatic negotiations with the governments of Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. The aim is to reach agreements so that these countries accept repatriation flights for undocumented migrants.

In addition, the INM has contracted air and land transport services, including charter flights, to transport irregular migrants to other regions of the country. This measure is carried out to provide them with appropriate care and assistance or, if necessary, to return them to their countries of origin.

Care of minors

A statement reported that the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Ciudad Juárez City Council are working together to find suitable land to build an emergency shelter that will focus primarily on supporting family groups and minors.

So far, from January 1 to October 3 of this year, the INM has registered a total of 1 million, 566 thousand, 948 foreigners in an irregular situation on the national territory.

These efforts by Mexico come as part of an agreement with the United States to step up the fight against illegal migration and coincide with the White House’s decision to expand the border wall to control the flow of undocumented people in the river valley. Bravo, Texas.