Montreal: A man arrested for stealing a car after an accident

Montreal police officers, called to respond to a minor accident on Sherbrooke Street in the Pointe-Aux-Trembles sector, arrested a man on Friday morning for auto theft.

It was around 3 a.m. when the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) was called to an accident scene that occurred on Sherbrooke Street near 31st Avenue in Pointe-Aux.-Aspens.

Montreal: A man has been arrested for stealing a car after an accident

Photo Agency QMI, Erik Peters

The vehicle would have collided with a park bench and a lamppost, said Jean-Pierre Brabant, spokesman for the SPVM. However, by the time authorities arrived, the driver had fled the scene.

“With the help of testimonies from people who attended the event, the police searched the area and located the driver, a 26-year-old man,” Brabant official said.

Montreal: A man has been arrested for stealing a car after an accident

Photo Agency QMI, Erik Peters

Luckily, he escaped with only minor injuries.

After examining the vehicle involved in the accident, police determined that it had been declared stolen. Accordingly, the 26-year-old man was arrested and could be charged with car theft, vehicle takeover and hit-and-run.