More than $13,000 for a week of work on a desert island

A Norwegian company has posted an unusual job offer, offering a salary of more than $13,000 for a week's work on a deserted island off the coast of Iceland.

The web operator Opera Software is looking for a candidate to surf the Internet for a week from March 18th to May 31st on the uninhabited volcanic island of Bjarnarey.

The employer also promises to provide the future lucky winner with a private house for two people, for which he will cover the plane tickets, as Le Journal du Net reported on Monday.

Behind this unusual job offer is a marketing stunt by the company, which wants to promote a new functionality of “tab islands” (“Tabfulness”) to improve the surfing experience.

According to the trade magazine, the Norwegian operator, which is now part of the Chinese consortium Golden Brick, is holding its own against the Californian giant Google Chrome and is in fifth place worldwide behind Edge, Safari and Firefox.