Nicole Bahls reacts to Marcelo Bimbi’s revelation about being "Exstraight" es

09/17/2023 1:02 p.m., updated 09/17/2023 1:02 p.m

A July interview with Marcelo Bimbi, in which the businessman declared that he was “exstraight,” still has repercussions. During a conversation with journalist Felipe Reis on the Feed channel, Nicole Bahls commented on her exhusband’s statement.

In the chat, the host said that when they were married he was “100% straight”: “I saw it [a declaração do Marcelo Bimbi], but only he can answer that. “While he was married, he was heterosexual, and that was 100% in my opinion,” she began, who is very popular among the LGBTQIAPN+ public.

She then joked, “Who knows… Did he want to borrow my shoes and I didn’t know?” After joking, Nicole got serious and hoped her ex would be happy with his decisions if it were true.

“But you see, if so, I hope that he is very happy, that he gives himself body and soul, because the most important thing is to be happy. Because life is a breath. So if he tried it and he liked it, which is great, he will be very happy and I will always support him and I will continue to admire and love him in the same way, he is a person that I really appreciate affection for. If he thinks about coming to the valley, let’s let go and be happy,” he assured.

The revelation of Bimbi’s sexuality

It seems that Marcelo Bimbi came out of obscurity during an interview for Gabriel Perline and Arthur Pires’ podcast “Não é Nada Pessoal” in July and made a very unusual statement. “I was straight,” Nicole Bahls’ ex wondered when he explained why he didn’t become a world actor.

The former A Fazenda said he received an indecent proposal from one of the directors of TV Globo when he was still a model after winning one of the biggest fashion competitions in the world. “I received an invitation to do Malhação. And back then I was straight,” he revealed.

1/26The marriage ended due to betrayal ▲Marcelo Bimbi and Nicole Bahls ▲Marcelo shared a recording of the trip to the hospital in Stories ▲Nicole Bahls and Marcelo Bimbi had been together since 2016 ▲The two got married in a luxurious ceremony ▲The boy had met other women ▲He wants his ex back ▲Nicole Bahls on SBT ▲Nicole Bahls ▲Nicole Bahls during an interview with the podcast Quem Pode, Pod ▲Marcelo Bimbi ▲Nicole Bahls and Marcelo Bimbi won the fourth edition of Power Couple Brasil. The couple has already separated. ▲ You took part in the reality show “Power Couple”. ▲ They got married. ▲ The marriage is over. ▲ She said it was a publication

And according to him, he answered innocently and asked her to send the script for recording: “I saw it all my childhood. [Malhação]I want to do it, send the text and I’ll memorize it.” However, it wouldn’t have been what he thought when he then heard: “There’s no texting, he goes to a party and then he sleeps with her this guy.”

Bimbi confided that the director, without naming names or giving more details, wanted to be the active one in the relationship. According to the boy, he wouldn’t refuse if it were like this now. “There’s nothing wrong with that, but it was a blow to me at the time. “Today I would have done well, given the difficulties I am in, I would have done it immediately,” he confided, thereby indirectly confessing to his supposed bisexuality.

The Internet eventually sparked controversy over Marcelo’s speech, questioning that they knew nothing about his sexual orientation. “Hey? So what? Was he straight?” one netizen asked. “I love controversy,” another person said. However, a third didn’t believe the report and said, “How many New Naldos are popping up, right,” referring on the singer, who tells many stories.