Our heart is the most important thing to God – lapenseedujour.topchretien.com

Our heart is the most important thing to God

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As they entered, when he saw Eliab, he said to himself, “Surely the one whom the LORD is anointing is here before him.” » But the LORD said to Samuel, “Pay no attention to his appearance or his great stature; for I have rejected him.” In fact, the LORD does not see in the same way as man: man looks at what meets his eyes, but the LORD looks at the heart. »
1 Samuel 16:6-7

When Samuel came to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king of Israel, we see the criteria by which God selects those who will serve him.

This fascinating story contains a very important lesson for you to understand. Immediately after these verses, Jesse introduces all of his sons to Samuel…except David. Jesse knows why Samuel is there, but he doesn't even bother to get David.

David's father had excluded him. He didn't see enough potential in his son to confront him in front of Samuel. David was still anointed king that day. Not based on what Jesse thought was important, but based on what God thought was important: the heart of David.

Your father may have rejected you. Your parents may have told you that you would never achieve anything. Your teacher may have told you, “You won’t amount to much. Better get a minimum wage job.”

Only God can see things in your heart that your father cannot see, that your mother cannot see, that your teachers have not seen, that your family has not seen, that the people around you have not seen.

God also takes into account our abilities, our talents or our education. All of these things are important, but God looks first at the most important quality of service, and that is our heart.

Don't let someone else write your story before it happens.

Listen to the voice of God

How do you see yourself? Take the time to listen to God and see yourself through His eyes.

Praying means talking to God because He loves you and can hear everything. You can say to him: “Father, I thank you because you have always known me. You see everything I do, everything I say, you know my thoughts. Your criteria are not those of men. I don't care what I do.” They say about me: What matters to me is the value you give me. Thank you for looking into the heart!”

Praise God

Praising God means showing our gratitude to him. In Psalm 139, David says to God, “I praise you because I am such a wonderful creature.”

This can be a difficult exercise, but take some time to praise God for who you are, because yes, you are a wonderful creature!

Take action today

Your childhood and the words spoken about you may have influenced the way you see yourself. God sees you differently. Explain what His Word says about you: You are loved, you are forgiven, you are redeemed, and nothing can separate you from His love!

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Father, thank you for loving me just as I am. To you belong the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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