Kmart is up to its last four stores in the United States after reaching a peak of 2,400 in the 1990s

Kmart, once a popular discount chain with more than 2,000 stores in the United States, has become the latest victim of the apocalypse of retail, with only four stores still operating.

The former retail giant recently announced that it is closing two more of its locations – only two remain New Jerseyone on Long Island, New York, and one in Miami, FloridaAccording to Oregon.

The announcement came after decades at the retail rebate chain failed to deal with them Walmart and Target’s low prices, a problem only exacerbated by the rise of the Internet and the inability of the store to be properly branded.

It was supposed to be “so soft that no one felt uncomfortable,” said Ben Schultz, a graduate in public history at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee who is studying the decline of the retail chain. It was a place that could be shared by anyone.

But “when they tried to change their image, they had no image.”

Kmart, once a popular discount chain across America, recently announced it was closing two more of its stores, leaving only four in the United States.

In their heyday, customers line up for hours to figure out what’s on sale

Over the past 20 years, Kmarts’ global profit margins have fallen from $ 49 billion to just $ 3.26 billion

Kmart has filed for bankruptcy twice since the turn of the century, as its global profit margins fell from $ 49 billion in 2005 to just $ 3.26 billion in 2020. It continues to perform well in Australia.

And shares of Kmart – which merged with the now defunct Sears department store in 2005 under the Sears Holdings conglomerate – have been stagnant since October 2021 for less than a cent.

Meanwhile, the stock price of Target was $ 194 on Wednesday, and Walmart was $ 136.

Kmart shares have been stagnant since October 2021 for less than a cent

Meanwhile, as of Wednesday, Target’s stock price was $ 194 and Walmart’s was $ 136

Kmart was founded by Sebastian Spering Kresge as SS Krege in 1899 in the Detroit suburbs of Garden City, as a securities store where shoppers can find everyday necessities such as household items, clothing and toys.

Kresge resigned as president in 1925 and the company was handed over to Henry Cunningham.

By the 1960s, the company was transforming into Kmart, striving to dominate the low-priced retail sector of national brands – a feat that succeeded.

The retail apocalypse is coming for your favorite stores

The apocalypse in retail is the closure of many ordinary stores, especially those of large chains around the world, starting around 2010, when customers began to turn in greater numbers to Amazon and other online retailers.

The sharp decline in sales of ordinary stores across the country has accelerated in recent years, but the pandemic has exaggerated.

The big retailers closed 12,000 stores in 2020, after the already devastating 2019, when more than 9,300 stores closed.

Another 80,000 stores – 9 percent of the nation’s total – will close in this “retail apocalypse” over the next five years as e-commerce sales grow, according to a report by financial services company UBS.

Source: The Week

Buyers often waited for Kmart employees to announce a special offer for Bluelight – or daily deals in certain departments – and hurried to see what they were like before enjoying food at the café.

In 1977 he changed his name to Kmart.

“Kmart absolutely dominates the retail discount market,” said Schultz.

“Their focus was to be the discount store in America,” he said. “They basically wanted to have a monopoly on the industry, and it seemed to be within their reach.”

The chain peaked in the early 1990s, running nearly 2,400 stores and employing about 3,500 people in the United States and Canada – and even acquired other stores such as Payless Drug Stores, the Borders bookstore chain and the Sports Authority, all of which also have has already gone out of business.

In 1991, he raised $ 1 billion in capital by offering convertible preferred shares, according to his website, and by 1993 had revenues of about $ 37 billion.

But the following year it began closing hundreds of its stores, a process that accelerated over the next decade. 24/7 Wall Street reports as management failed to accelerate the money to modernize stores and upgrade technology that would allow them to more closely track inventory and retail sales.

“Kmart is lagging behind in technology and logistics,” said Ken Nisch, chairman of brand strategy and retail design firm JGA. Detroit News in 2019. “They lost their price advantage over Walmart.

They were at a time when they could never catch up with him again.

By 2002, the company had lost its position as the second largest retailer after Sears to Walmart. Mass Live reports and declares insolvency under Chapter 11.

His debt was eventually bought by hedge fund operator Eddie Lampert, who combined the merged Kmart with Sears in a $ 11 billion deal.

But Lampert, who still owns the company, failed to revive it, and Sears and Kmart filed for bankruptcy again in 2018.

Kmart once operated nearly 2,400 stores in the United States. Here are managers celebrating the opening of a new Kmart in New York in 1974.

Now fans of the almost non-existent store have turned to social media to remember Kmart’s golden age, sharing photos of the crowds the store once attracted and old circulars as they mourned the closure of their local stores.

Some will now be developed at Targets and Walmart to continue to provide a wide range of supplies to middle-class families, while others are turning into malls and other retail stores.

However, Kmart continues to survive online, selling washing machines and dryers for only a few thousand dollars, as well as Route 66 jeans and Disney clothing.

Kmart is up to its last four stores in the United States after reaching a peak of 2,400 in the 1990s Read More »

The Chicago Justice and General Hospital TV actress, found dead in LA, left two suicide notes

A Chicago The TV actress from “Justice and General Hospital”, who was found dead in Runyon Canyon Park in Hollywood three days after her disappearance, left two suicide notes.

Actress Lindsay Pearlman, 43, was found in her car in a Hollywood park on February 18. One suicide note was in her car and the other in her home. The note told anyone who found her to call 911, TMZ reported.

The actress, who played Joy Fletcher in Chicago Justice, reportedly called her husband Vance Smith the day before the apparent suicide and told him she planned to end her life, TMZ reported. Smith then contacted police in an attempt to locate her.

Although the investigator did not say the cause of death, TMZ said she overdosed and suffered from depression for many years. Phone records also show that the star called her cousin half a mile from where her body was found.

“Police found Lindsay,” her husband wrote on social media. ‘She left. I’m broken. ‘

Actress Lindsay Pearlman, 43, was found dead in her car at Runyon Canyon Park on February 18. She reportedly died of an overdose and left a suicide note at home and one in her call that prompted anyone who found her to call 911

Lindsay Pearlman (left) was found dead last week after a nearly week-long search. Her older sister, Marnie Pearlman (right), has asked relatives to help promote a suicide prevention hotline after the actress’ body was discovered.

The Chicago Justice star (pictured in the show) has reportedly struggled with depression for many years

Her older sister, Marnie, 46, posted a brief statement on Facebook on Saturday, saying, “Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about my sister’s search. She was found. She left. We are broken. Please respect our privacy at this time. ‘

Her partner at General Hospital, where she played Margaret “Maggie” McMorris, wrote on Twitter: “Lindsay Pearlman was great at @GeneralHospital and we are sad to hear about this tragedy. Our hearts are with her family and friends. #GH. ‘

Elaine Hendrix, who played Meredith Blake in The Parent Trap, paid tribute to her friend on Twitter.

It is located in Runyon Canyon Park in Hollywood, a popular tourist destination

“Thanks to everyone who shared Lindsay’s missing person report. I am deeply saddened and stunned to share that she was found dead.

Her cousin Savannah Pearlman wrote on Twitter: “I am deeply saddened to announce that they have found Lindsay and it was too late.

“Lindsay was a fierce animal rights activist and a talented actress.”

Girlfriend Carrie Myers wrote on Facebook: “Shocking news about Lindsay Pearlman. We spent many hours together protesting against pet stores for The Puppy Mill Project. Fun, gifted, with great love and generous heart to everyone, especially animals. Our hearts go to Vance, a really special person. A really sad day for us.

The actress was last seen on February 13 in Hollywood near Franklin Avenue and North Sierra Bonita Avenue, near Runion Canyon Park.

According to a security guard working on a film in the nearby Runyon Canyon, when police found Pearlman’s body, there were pills scattered inside the vehicle. They said she was wrapped in a blanket. Police have not confirmed this signal.

The actress grew up in Chicago and studied comedy at the Second City Conservatory.

After moving to California, she reserved a recurring role in NBC’s Chicago Justice in 2017 as Joy Fletcher and would later appear in Sneaky Pete, American Housewife and Selena: The Series.

Girlfriend Carrie Myers wrote on Facebook: “Shocking news about Lindsay Pearlman. We spent many hours together protesting against pet stores for The Puppy Mill Project. Fun, gifted, with great love and generous heart to everyone, especially animals. Our hearts go to Vance, a really special person. A really sad day for us.

The actress was last seen on February 13 in Hollywood near Franklin Avenue and North Sierra Bonita Avenue, which is near Runyon Canyon Park.

Friends and family paid tribute to the late actress, with many expressing “shock” and saying they were “broken” by the news of her death

Late last month, former Miss USA champion Chesley Christ jumped to her death from the 29th floor of her Manhattan apartment building in Hell’s Kitchen.

In March last year, Christ wrote about being trolled online and how winning the United States at the age of 28 turned her into a target for abusers, but many of her friends said Monday that they were stunned by her death and had no idea. that she had mental health problems.

Police sources told that she had left a suicide note on her computer.

Writing for Allure magazine before her 30th birthday, she said captivatingly: “Every time I say ‘I’m 30,’ I shrink a little. Sometimes I can successfully mask this awkward reaction with excitement; other times my enthusiasm is empty, like bad acting … turning 30 feels like a cold reminder that I’m running out of time to make a difference in the eyes of society – and that’s infuriating. ”

Christ deviated from the norm with his passion for social justice – she was a trained lawyer and advocate for Black Lives Matter.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-8255.

The Chicago Justice and General Hospital TV actress, found dead in LA, left two suicide notes Read More »

Fears of new laboratory leaks as study reveals genetic code in Covid’s spike protein linked to Moderna’s patent

Fears of new laboratory leaks as study reveals genetic code Official schedule

December 8, 2019 – The earliest date on which China recognized the infection

December 31 – China first reports “pneumonia of unknown cause” to the World Health Organization.

January 1, 2020 – Wuhan Seafood Market closed for disinfection

January 7 – President Xi Jinping discusses coronavirus outbreak with Politburo

January 9 – China makes the coronavirus genome public

January 11 – China announces its first death

January 13 – The first case outside China is confirmed

January 20 – China’s National Health Commission confirms human-to-human transmission

January 23 – Wuhan is locked up

January 31 – WHO declares “outbreak of international concern” as China admits thousands of cases

February 23 – Italy reports a group of cases in the first major outbreak in the West

May 29 – China claims the virus did not come from wet markets but from Chinese bats before it spread to humans through an “animal intermediary”

July 31 – Chinese researcher acknowledges some coronavirus experiments conducted in laboratories with lower biosafety

December 16 – WHO announces it will travel to Wuhan to investigate the origins of the virus in January

January 5, 2021 – China refuses to enter the WHO investigation team

February 9 – WHO rejects laboratory leak – supports China’s claim that it was imported from frozen meat

March 28 – Former US National Security officials say information shows “there is a direct order from Beijing to destroy all virus samples” at a laboratory in Wuhan

New evidence

2012: Six miners are killed by a mysterious flu-like illness in Mojiang Cave in Yunnan.

They were found to be infected with Covid’s closest known relative, sharing 97% of his genes.

RATG13 samples were sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for testing.

September 2019 – Blood samples were taken for screening for lung cancer in Italy, which was later positive for coronavirus

October – Whistleblower Wei Jingsheng claims that China deliberately spread Covid at the World War Games in Wuhan in October, two months before the rest of the world found out about the virus

October – Xi Jinping’s authoritarian regime desperately tries to shut down informants such as Mr. Jingsheng. All social media links to a new SARS virus or “outbreak” have been censored

October-December – Increase in coronavirus-related influenza and pneumonia cases in northern Italy

November – Revealer Mr Jingsheng claims to have expressed concern about high-profile military games in the Trump administration, but has been ignored

November – An intelligence report handed over to agencies in Washington claims that three staff members of the Wuhan Institute of Virology sought hospital treatment in November 2019 after experiencing Covid-like symptoms.

November – Sewage samples taken in Florianopolis, Brazil, suggest virus

November 10 – Milanka has a skin biopsy, and a sample is obtained, which later shows signs of the virus

November 17 – Leaked documents show that a case was opened in China on that date

December – Doctors in China, including Li Wenliang, report a new type of respiratory infection. But Chinese police arrested him and eight of his colleagues for questioning – instead of publishing reports and warning the public

December 1 – Chinese researchers report infection on that date in a peer-reviewed study, but it was not recognized by Beijing

December 18 – Sewage samples taken in Milan and Turin suggest the virus is circulating in cities

December 26 – Analyzed samples suggest that a new type of SARS was circulating on December 26, but Wuhan was not closed until January 22

January 2020 – Sewage samples from Barcelona suggest that the virus was in the city

January 3 – Covid-19 infections begin to spread to other nations, including the United States, as the WHO identifies the outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern

May – Scientists at a government laboratory in California conclude that Covid-19 may have escaped from a facility in Wuhan

July – WHO chief Tedros Adanom Gebreyesus says China did not share vital raw data during its investigation in Wuhan. China has denied the allegations

June 2021: Leading virus expert in the United States Dr. Anthony Fauci has been warned that Covid may be created in a laboratory, public emails reveal.

August: The world’s first patient with Covid-19 may have been infected with a bat while working at a laboratory in Wuhan in Chinasaid WHO chief Dr. Peter Embarek

August: A humiliating report by Republicans in the United States claims that the coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology shortly after the facility tried to improve air safety and waste treatment systems

The report also cites “sufficient evidence” that laboratory scientists are working to modify coronaviruses to infect humans, and such manipulation may be hidden.

October: A review of U.S. intelligence on the origins of the pandemic does not determine whether the virus came from animal-to-human transmission or a laboratory leak.

Chinese officials described the report as “political and false.”

January 2022: Leaked emails from Britain’s top scientist, Sir Jeremy Farrar, show that he acknowledged in February 2020 that this was a “likely explanation” that the virus could have been man-made. But he continued to call the theory a “conspiracy.”

February: Sir Farrar is summoned to be sworn in to the US Congress. Officials want him to explain why he moved away from the theory of laboratory leaks.

Fears of new laboratory leaks as study reveals genetic code in Covid’s spike protein linked to Moderna’s patent Read More »

How Samuel Brinton’s parents learned to adopt their non-binary son

LBGTQ activist Samuel Brinton’s mother told she was proud after her son was appointed to serve as deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste at the Biden Administration’s Nuclear Service.

The 34-year-old non-binary Brinton previously revealed his troubled relationship with his Southern Baptist parents, Peggy Joe and Stephen Brinton, both 57, describing how they were forced to engage in conversion therapy as teenagers.

Brinton also told how they were told to leave the family home in Perry, Iowaafter going out with their parents as bisexuals for the second time while in college – forcing them to move in with their uncle in New York.

But speaking outside the home, Brinton’s mother Peggy Joe said the family’s difficulties were a thing of the past and spoke of her pride in her son’s powerful new job.

She said: “I taught him at home for many years because I knew he would excel and he does. It’s just amazing. He started working on [nuclear] A few years ago.’

Peggy Joe added, “He told me before, ‘I know you don’t understand,’ but I’m like, you do it – you do it.”

Samuel Brinton Elected Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste in the Biden Administration’s Nuclear Service

The 34-year-old non-binary Brinton has already described his troubled relationship with his Southern Baptist parents, Peggy Joe and Stephen Brinton, both 57, describing how they were forced to engage in conversion therapy as teenagers.

Brinton’s mother Peggy Joe told that she is proud of her son and said family difficulties are a thing of the past

In an exciting 2018 New York Times article, Brinton describes how they were “tortured” during conversion therapy, writing: “My parents were missionaries from the Southern Baptists who believed that the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy can “cure”. “my sexuality”

The Baptist missionary, who also has a 32-year-old daughter, Rachel, and a younger son, Daniel, said she is already in contact with Brinton – although she refused to attend their wedding to husband Kevin Rick in 2019. received photos of Brinton’s yearbook from their time at Perry High School in Iowa

She told “I think it’s in the past and we talk as much as we can when we live so far away from each other, so it’s all texts, emails, things like that. ‘

The 57-year-old added: “I’m proud of him, of course!”

Brinton, the first non-binary man to serve as deputy assistant secretary, grew up in Sanford, Florida and Perry, Iowa.

In a 2018 publication, Brinton described how they first went out as a high school student and then were forced to spend two years in conversion therapy, a discredited form of counseling that aims to turn gay people gay.

As a result, they continued to keep their sexuality hidden through home schooling and then again while attending Perry High School after the family moved to Iowa in 2002.

Brinton’s parents still work at First Baptist Church in Perry, a small town of just over 8,000 people 30 miles northwest of Des Moines, and continue to live in the modest $ 166,000 four-bedroom home where Brinton was raised.

There, the 34-year-old stiletto-loving girl lived a radically different existence from their powerful lifestyle in Washington, D.C. today.

Photos from the yearbook, received from, show how they excelled in technology – winning the Outstanding Automotive Student Award in their final year

Brinton spent four years on the school wrestling team and was a cross-country runner as well as an enthusiastic member of the school choir.

Brinton participated in numerous academic decathlons, was a member of the public speaking team, and joined the Iowa Municipal Choir in their last two years at school.

Brinton (bottom left, second from left) also appeared in a high school production of Grease and Quiet Summer, a comedy play about a man who decides to spend his summer trying to become president of a local country club.

Photos from the yearbook, obtained from, show how young Brinton excelled in technology – winning the Outstanding Automotive Student Award in his final year.

Brinton also spent four years on the school wrestling team and was a cross-country runner as well as an enthusiastic member of the school choir.

They also appear in several school plays, including The Stuck Pot, which tells the story of how a group of students set up a consolation prize for a boy “stuck with a terrible lemon” for a school ball meeting.

Brinton also appeared in a high school production of Grease and Quiet Summer, a comedy play about a man who decides to spend his summer trying to become president of a local country club.

The 34-year-old has participated in numerous academic decathlon fights, was a member of the public speaking team, and joined the Iowa Municipal Choir in their last two years at school.

They also proved popular – photos show Brinton with friends at their school ball in 2006 and participating in a quiz on a team called Sam’s Super Sweets.

But according to Brinton, the conversion therapy they went through as a high school student left its mark, and it wasn’t until college, Kansas, Manhattan, Kansas, that they felt able to go out for the second and final time.

In an exciting 2018 New York Times article, Brinton describes how they were “tortured” during conversion therapy, writing: “My parents were missionaries from the Southern Baptists who believed that the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy can “cure”. ‘my sexuality.

“For more than two years, I sat on the couch and endured emotionally painful sessions with a counselor. I have been told that my religious community rejects my sexuality; that I was the abomination we had heard of in Sunday school; that I was the only gay man in the world; that it is inevitable that I will get HIV and AIDS.

Brinton, who loves lipstick, seems to have become closer to his family in recent years, with Seattle-based Rachel attending their wedding in 2019, although her parents and brother did not.

Brinton is pictured with Queer Eye star Jonathan Van Ness in New York in 2019.

The Baptist missionary mother said she is now in contact with Brinton again – although she refused to attend their 2019 wedding to husband Kevin Rick (pictured).

He also told how his mother found him standing on the roof and told him that she would love him again if he just changed.

‘[That] it’s not something to say to a person standing on the edge of a building, “he said. So I run back into my mother’s arms, saying, “You know what? I have changed! It’s over. Epiphany from God. “

But when he went to university, they realized there was a gay culture there. They went out to their parents a second time and were expelled from the family home and told not to return.

Brinton, who loves lipstick, seems to have become closer to his family in recent years, with Seattle-based Rachel attending their wedding in 2019, although their parents and brother are not.

Rachel and Brinton were particularly close during high school, with the 32-year-old joining Brinton on the technical team and joining the wrestling team as a manager.

Shortly after their wedding, Brinton shared a photo with Rachel – and shared their joy at her presence.

They wrote: “My first wedding photo, which is not related to my husband, which I share, must be with the most important person to be there tonight: my sister.

“Rachel and I love each other, learn, grow, and begin to reconnect with siblings in ways that really make me cry happy tears.”

How Samuel Brinton’s parents learned to adopt their non-binary son Read More »

The cancer survivor welcomes the miracle baby at 2:22 a.m. on February 22, 2022.

VERY happy ‘Two-day’! A cancer survivor who thought she would never be able to have children gave birth to a “miracle” baby girl at 2:22 a.m. on February 22, 2022 in delivery room 2.

Aberly Spear gave birth to her daughter Judah Grace Spear on February 22, 2022, who was nicknamed “Two-Day”

After 26 hours of childbirth, she gave birth in the maternity ward №2 of RMC Alamans

Aberley was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2014, and because of treatment, doctors said she would probably never have children.

Judas was born weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and Aberley’s mother called her a “miracle.”

from Carly Stern for

Published: 17:46 GMT, 23 February 2022 | Updated: 20:18 GMT, 23 February 2022

A mother who was told for the first time that she would probably never have children because of her battle with cancer welcomed this two-day-old baby prodigy.

Aberly Spear gave birth to her daughter Judah Grace Spear on February 22, 2022 – February 22, 2022 – at the ideal time of 2:22 p.m.

After 26 hours of childbirth, she gave birth in the maternity ward No. 2 of RMC Alamans.

“Today is a special ‘two days’ for this newborn and her family!” Cone Health Alamance Regional Medical Center writes in a Facebook post.

Aberly Spear gave birth to her daughter Judah Grace Spear on February 22, 2022 – February 22, 2022 – at the ideal time of 2:22 p.m.

After 26 hours of childbirth, she gave birth in the maternity ward №2 of RMC Alamans

The coincidence came as a surprise to Aberley and her husband, Hank.

“I heard all the nurses screaming in excitement and I said to myself, ‘What’s going on?'” Aberley said WFMY2 News.

– I looked [Hank] and I said to myself, “What time was she born?” He was like, “2:22,” and I was like, “Oh, good!”

The hospital shared the exciting news on Facebook later that day, explaining why Judah was a particularly happy baby for her parents.

“Judas is an answered prayer for her family,” they said. “Aberly’s mother survived Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and the necessary cancer treatments she underwent make pregnancy unlikely.”

Aberley was diagnosed in 2014, three months after meeting Hank – who came to terms with the thought of never having children.

Aberley has survived Hodgkin’s lymphoma and the necessary cancer treatments she has undergone make pregnancy unlikely, the hospital said

“God’s ideal moment; He never makes mistakes, “Aberley said

Typical options for treating Hodgkin’s lymphoma include chemotherapy and radiation, and Aberley said she said she “probably couldn’t have children.”

“But the family continued to pray for a while – and today their prayer was answered!” Wrote the hospital.

Judas was born weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces.

“Judah Grace’s name fits her story perfectly. Judas means “praise” – and she is a blessing to her family! “The hospital’s Facebook post continues.

“God’s ideal moment; He never makes mistakes, “Aberley said.

Christie Engelbrecht, Aberley’s mother, told WFMY News 2 that the birth of Judas was a miracle after her daughter’s six-year battle with cancer.

“Judah is a reminder of all good, God’s fulfilled promises, and a community that unites for each other’s good,” she said.

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The cancer survivor welcomes the miracle baby at 2:22 a.m. on February 22, 2022. Read More »

Pelosi calls Putin “the richest man in the world” and hints that Biden’s sanctions could hit the “tyrant” directly.

President of the Chamber Nancy Pelosi condemned the Russian president Vladimir Putin as a “tyrant” on Wednesday, he hinted that no one – not even the authoritarian strongman himself – among the Kremlin’s elites would be spared harsh economic sanctions in return.

She and three other lawmakers held a press conference in the Capitol after returning from a security conference in Munich, where all eyes were on Putin as he gave the green light for Russian troops to enter Ukraine’s eastern region of Donbass.

California democrat he said the russian leader was “probably the richest man in the world” and the president said Joe Biden will continue to “monitor the money” if Kremlin troops do not immediately end what the international community calls an invasion.

Shortly afterwards, the president announced sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Germany and Russia.

But Pelosi’s hardline message was undermined by points during her speeches in which she began to wander, including two cases that seem to confuse Ukraine and Hungary.

The first happened when she described leaders at the Munich security summit expressing concern about the potential consequences of further Russian military action against the neighbor. She pointed to the Central European nation of Hungary, but went on to describe Ukraine’s borders – before it seems to be adjusted.

“Well, if you look at the map and see Hungary and see how it is surrounded: Russia, Belarus, Crimea – which they took over, but you know that now it is still a danger to Ukraine,” Pelosi said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks to reporters after returning from a congressional delegation to the Munich Security Conference

She added: “And then you see Poland and Romania and all those countries that are just beginning Russian influence.”

Exposing Putin’s greed a little later, Pelosi again almost confused both sides.

The 81-year-old lawmaker said the Ukrainian people were fundamentally opposed to the Kremlin’s rule because they were pro-democracy. Instead, however, she almost praised the Hungarians.

“Putin is probably the richest man in the world. He has these magnificent residences – it really got people in trouble in Russia because they showed the arrogance of the wealth he lived on, “Pelosi began.

Then she slipped: “So it’s about какво what is it about? Hung’s people – em, many of us have visited Ukraine and seen that they love democracy.

But she went on to speculate that Biden’s sanctions would continue to “follow the money”.

“They do not want to live with Vladimir Putin. He does not want the Russian people to see what democracy looks like, and therefore he wants to put them under his own domain and his own, “Pelosi said.

“So when he and his oligarchs – and it’s all for, follow the money in this and that’s the sanctions. Follow the money.

Pelosi said that all world leaders at the meeting agreed that “the attack on Ukraine by the Russians is an attack on democracy, an attack on democracy.”

Ukraine was the central focus of the global security summit. (pictured: Ukrainian serviceman inspects situation near Katerinovka village, not far from pro-Russian militant city of Luhansk, Ukraine, February 23)

A Russian military truck travels on the road in the southern Rostov region of Russia, which borders the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, on February 23

Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who was also in Munich, said Putin was “horrified by the prospect of democracy on his border.”

Putin sparked international outrage earlier this week when Russia officially recognized Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions as independent states. The region has been at the center of an ongoing armed conflict between the Ukrainian military and pro-Russian separatists since 2014.

Although a third of the region is under rebel control, Putin said Tuesday that he recognizes them as independent states in their entirety – raising concerns about a possible clash between Kiev and Russian troops if they continue in the region. The key port city of Mariupol, for example, is in Donetsk, but is currently under Ukrainian control.

Putin suggested that Ukraine’s way to end the crisis is either to negotiate with the separatists, which Kiev has refused, or to give up hopes of joining NATO and demilitarize.

Hinting at Russia’s efforts to interfere in the US election, Pelosi accused Putin on Wednesday: “This is the same tyrant who attacked our democracy in 2016.”

Ukrainian serviceman reacts while guarding a position near the village of Katerynovka, not far from the pro-Russian extremist-controlled city of Luhansk

Putin’s recognition of the entire Donetsk and Luhansk regions as independent breeds fears of military clashes between Russian troops in the pro-Russian zone and Kiev forces

“The same tyrant who opposes democracy and wants to belittle it has lowered it in the eyes of the Russian people,” she said.

In his concluding remarks, Pelosi promised that Biden “carries out the sanctions, he has a full picture of all this.”

The president took a step further on Wednesday by imposing sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Germany and Russia and its corporate employees.

“These steps are another part of our initial tranche of sanctions in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. As I have made clear, we will not hesitate to take further steps if Russia continues to escalate, “Biden said in a statement.

“By his actions, President Putin has given the world a huge incentive to move away from Russian gas to other forms of energy. I would like to thank Chancellor Scholz for his close partnership and continued commitment to holding Russia accountable for its actions.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz cut off the pipeline earlier this week in response to Putin’s aggression in Ukraine.

On Tuesday, Biden announced sanctions against two major Russian banks, which the White House said “hold more than $ 80 billion in assets and finance Russia’s defense sector and economic development,” as well as sanctions against Putin’s orbit. He also halted trade in Russian debt to stem the flow of Western dollars.

The president said the sanctions package was only the “first tranche” if Putin did not stop his invasion immediately.

“Who, in God’s name, does Putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called ‘states’ on territory belonging to his neighbors?” Biden said.

During her press conference, Pelosi defended Biden’s sanctions as “appropriate” – although not every member of her assembly agreed that he had gone far enough.

“Sanctions just need to be much stronger and much more personal,” Democrat MP Elisa Slotkin of Michigan told Fox News on Wednesday. “Of course we will make banks. Of course, we will make certain sectors, but we will take those oligarchs who support Putin, their wives, their lovers, their ability for their children to go to foreign universities.

“You can target those people who are holding Putin in a much more serious way that I would like to see in the coming days.”

Pelosi calls Putin “the richest man in the world” and hints that Biden’s sanctions could hit the “tyrant” directly. Read More »

Putin issued a chilling warning to the West on a television morning early in the morning

Putin gives a chilling warning to Biden as he invades Ukraine, saying that if someone “intervenes”, “you will face consequences greater than anyone you have ever encountered in history.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine and issued a chilling warning to his allies in the west early Thursday morning.

Explosions were heard in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, when Putin announced that Russia was launching a military attack on Ukraine.

The UN Security Council has just convened an emergency meeting Wednesday night

from Brian Stiglitz for Dailymail.Com

Published: 03:51 GMT, 24 February 2022 | Updated: 4:04 AM GMT, February 24, 2022

Russian president Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine and issued a chilling warning to his allies in the west early Thursday morning in Moscow.

Explosions were heard in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, when Putin announced this Russia launched a military attack on Ukraine.

“For anyone who would think of outside interference – if you do, you will face greater consequences than anyone you have ever encountered in history,” he said on a television broadcast around 6 a.m. Moscow time.

IN The united nations The Security Council has just convened an extraordinary meeting Wednesday night. Earlier on Wednesday, European and US officials rushed to impose more economic sanctions on Russia in response to the deployment of troops in eastern Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine and issued a chilling warning to his allies in the west early Thursday morning.

Tomorrow morning, President Joe Biden plans to meet with his G-7 counterparts and speak with the American people to announce “the further consequences that the United States and our allies and partners will have on Russia.

Amid escalating Russian aggression, Ukraine has also warned its citizens, warned its citizens to avoid traveling to Russia and leave immediately if they are already there.

President Joe Biden responded to Putin’s attack on Wednesday night with the following statement: “The prayers of the whole world are with the people of Ukraine tonight, as they are under unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian forces.

“President Putin has chosen a deliberate war that will bring catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Only Russia is responsible for the death and destruction that this attack will bring, and the United States and its allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable, “he said.

Biden added that he would monitor the situation from the White House until the end of the night and would receive regular updates from his security team.

Tomorrow morning, the president plans to meet with his G7 counterparts and speak with the American people to announce “the further consequences that the United States and our allies and partners will impose on Russia for this unnecessary act of aggression against Ukraine. and global peace and security. ‘

“We will also coordinate with our NATO allies to provide a strong, unified response that deters any aggression against the Alliance. Tonight, Jill and I are praying for the brave and proud people of Ukraine, “he concluded.


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Putin issued a chilling warning to the West on a television morning early in the morning Read More »

Tom Brady is going to Hollywood! The legendary quarterback, 44, will star and produce in film 80 for Brady

He announced his retirement from football earlier this month.

And Tom Brady’s next play will not be seen on the field, but instead on the big screen.

The 44-year-old former NFL superstar will star and produce in a football-themed travel film titled 80 For Brady.

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Next game: Tom Brady (seen in New Jersey in January) will star and produce in a football-themed travel film titled 80 For Brady just weeks after announcing his retirement from the NFL

He will join forces with several acting legends, including Rita Moreno, Sally Field, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin for the upcoming project, according to The Hollywood reporter.

The four Hollywood icons will play four best friends and fans of the New England Patriots, who are embarking on a life-changing journey to Super Bowl LI 2017 to see how they play their sports hero Brady.

The film is inspired by a true story, as it will follow the chaos that occurs as a result of the trip, as they try to orient themselves to the biggest sporting event in the United States.

Dynamic Duo: He will join forces with several acting legends, including Lily Tomlin (left) and Jane Fonda, who co-starred in the hugely popular Netflix comedy Grace & Frankie.

Iconic: They will also be joined by Sally Field (left) and Rita Moreno for the upcoming project, according to The Hollywood Reporter

What a moment: The four Hollywood icons will play four New England Patriots best friends and fans embarking on a life-changing trip to Super Bowl LI 2017 to see their sporting character Brady play while Tom is shown lifting the Vince trophy. Pawnshops at the event in Houston

Brady – who led the New England Patriots to a comeback victory over Atlanta Falcons, 34-28 – was heavily involved with the start of the project while developing it with Donna Giglioti.

The film will be directed by Kyle Marvin, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Michael Covino, as the feature project is being made by Paramount Pictures and Endeavor Content.

On February 1, Brady announced his retirement from the NFL after weeks of speculation.

Dynamic Duo: The film will be directed by Kyle Marvin (left), who also co-wrote the screenplay with Michael Covino, as the feature film is being made by Paramount Pictures and Endeavor Content, as they will be seen together in March 2020.

He is one of the most awarded footballers of all time – and is even cited by many as the Greatest of All Time (GOAT) – as he has led his teams to seven Super Bowl titles in his 22 seasons.

“I have always believed that football is an ‘all in’ offer – if there is no 100% competitive commitment, you will not succeed, and success is what I love so much in our game,” Brady wrote in a statement. social media platforms on Tuesday.

“EVERY DAY there is a physical, mental and emotional challenge that allows me to maximize my greatest potential. And I did my best for the last 22 years. There are no shortcuts to success on the field or in life.

Legacy: On February 1, Brady announced his retirement from the NFL after weeks of speculation, as he was seen leaving the field in Tampa in January

“It’s hard for me to write this, but here I am, I will no longer take on this racing commitment. I loved my NFL career and now it’s time to focus my time and energy on other things that need my attention. ‘

Brady thanked his wife, supermodel Gisele Bündchen, and his children, saying they were his “inspiration” and “greatest achievement.”

Curiously, Brady’s farewell statement made no mention of the New England Patriots, the club he led to six Super Bowl titles in 20 seasons before leaving for Tampa in March 2020.

However, Patriots owner Robert Kraft issued his own statement, saying it was a “privilege” to watch, and Brady responded on Twitter Tuesday afternoon: “Thank you, patriotic nation. I am extremely grateful. I love you all.’

Bling bling: He won seven Super Bowl titles in two decades in New England and two seasons in Tampa

Family first: Brady is pictured with his wife Gisele and his children (left to right) Ben, 12, Jack, 14 and Vivian, 9. In his retirement announcement, Brady said they are his “inspiration” and “most” the great achievement “

Brady signed a one-year, $ 25 million contract extension after directing the Bucs to victory in last year’s Super Bowl. The deal included a $ 20 million signing bonus, $ 15 million of which would be paid to him on Friday. So when he retires, Brady will probably save the Bucs $ 15 million, although they may choose to pay his full signing bonus.

Since being selected by the New England Patriots in the sixth round of the NFL 2000 draft, Brady has earned more than $ 292 million in salary for 22 seasons, according to Spotrac. And that doesn’t include the profits from his fitness brand or his numerous approval deals with companies like Subway and Under Armor, let alone his recent foray into indispensable tokens.

Brady and Bucks’ season ended in the division round of the NFL playoffs in January, when they were defeated in Tampa by a goal in the last second by the Los Angeles Rams. The current backup of the team is the infamous 32-year-old Blaine Gabert, so the Bucs are expected to add more potential replacements, either through a free agency or in the NFL draft.

Tom Brady announced his retirement on Instagram after weeks of speculation

Although he failed to thank the Patriots or their fans in his retirement statement, Brady mentioned them on Twitter

Tom Brady is going to Hollywood! The legendary quarterback, 44, will star and produce in film 80 for Brady Read More »