‘Pantanal’: Muda and Tibério have sex for the first time

What had to happen in “Pantanal” has finally happened: our beautiful Tibério (Guito) will have his first time with Muda (Bella Campos). But before that, the couple will have a misunderstanding. Good thing we have Filó (Dira Paes), the best love advisor in this Pantanal, always ready to help young couples.

“It’s natural that poor Tiberius feels despised by this whole situation,” Filó says to the young woman.

2 of 6 In “Pantanal” Muda (Bella Campos) opens with Filó (Dira Paes) — Photo: Globo

In “Pantanal” Muda (Bella Campos) opens with Filó (Dira Paes) — Photo: Globo

“I don’t know, Philo…I feel…I feel like I don’t deserve a man as good as he is.”

“Sometimes I feel like I deserve to be with Levi… not Tiberius.”

Muda refuses to spend her wedding night with Tiberius

Muda refuses to spend her wedding night with Tiberius

🎧 Check out the emotion of this Tuesday’s recap of “Pantanal”.

3 of 6 Tibério hears part of Muda and Filó’s conversation in “Pantanal” — Photo: Globo

Tibério hears part of the conversation between Muda and Filó in “Pantanal” — Photo: Globo

Guess who was hiding to listen to all this? Our Tiberius. The farmer is devastated and leaves before hearing everything Muda is feeling. Mainly the blame for what happened to Levi (Leandro Lima).

And when she returns home, she is surprised to see Tiberius packing his bags to leave.

“I want to settle my bill during the lunch break… And I went on my way,” he shares.

4 of 6 In Pantanal, Tibério Muda says he’s leaving — Photo: Globo

In Pantanal, Tibério Muda says he’s leaving — Photo: Globo

“I don’t want to hold grudges or grudges against you, Muda. I just want to take back the ring I gave you and forget the day I met you.”

But Filo’s advice has served Muda very well, who now really wants to devote herself to her husband.

“If you’re that keen on this alliance, you can have it,” she says, taking off her dress.

5 of 6 In “Pantanal” Muda (Bella Campos) surrenders to Tibério (Guito) — Photo: Globo

In “Pantanal” Muda (Bella Campos) surrenders to Tibério (Guito) — Photo: Globo

Tiberius still tries to resist. And Muda explains himself.

“I want you, Tiberius…I want you badly…I want you like I’ve never wanted anything in this life…” she says.

And then we don’t have to say anything more… ❤️❤️❤️

6 of 6 In the “Pantanal” Tibério (Guito) and Muda (Bella Campos) will have their first time — Photo: Globo

In the “Pantanal” Tibério (Guito) and Muda (Bella Campos) will have their first time — Photo: Globo