Paola and Chiara: For years we haven’t seen each other even at Christmas, but it’s not true that we can’t stand each other

Paola and Chiara, guests of Verissimo to present their latest single, tell the truth about their breakup: “There were some critical moments between us, but the distance helped us and made us more united. We had to recognize each other as individuals.”

Paola and Chiara For years we havent seen each other

Paula and Clare are guests at Verissimo to present their latest single.Mare Coas‘. It is a new step that establishes their “flashback” as an artistic duo, a few months after the Sanremo Festival, where they returned to the stage together. But Silvia Toffanin’s living room is also an opportunity to delve into her private life.

The Violence and Panic Attacks of Chiara Iezzi

Chiara has never hidden her fragility, which she now knows is her strength. “When I was 8 years old, I went camping, I have suffered violence. A little boy dragged me and took me to a secluded place. I think this episode influenced my character a lot. That’s why I remained shy and introverted,” she tells Silvia Toffanin. Then, recently, a particularly dark period marked it once again. “I had panic attacks and anxiety. Today I am still in therapy“She helped me tremendously with my shyness,” she explains. “I’ve learned to stop valuing my fragility as a problem and to accept it.”

The truth about Paola and Chiara’s breakup

For more than 10 years, Paola and Chiara have decided to take different paths, not only from an artistic point of view. Their bond required a break and distance, which over time has proven to be the best medicine. “It’s not true that we couldn’t stand each other anymore, but certainly there were some critical moments. We understood that we needed the opportunity to understand who we are as individuals,” they explain. After splitting up as a duo, they tried to produce themselves, but things didn’t go as well as they had hoped and so the distances kept growing. “We didn’t even see each other at Christmas for a few years. But because of the distance, we felt even closer afterwards,” says Paola.

Because Paola and Chiara had argued: the reasons for the separation and the reunion in Sanremo 2023

Paola Iezzi is engaged, Chiara is single

Silvia Toffanin’s curiosity then ends with the heart theme, which is very popular with the audience of the Mediaset Lounge. “Now I’m single. I had a big relationship in the past which is over now but now there is absolute calm. am i feeling so good Actually, I would like to be a couple again,” says Chiara. Other speech instead for Paola, who admits: “I’ve been engaged to a photographer for 15 years stylish. He’s a great pal and we have a solid relationship. It makes me happy and we support each other.”