"Pier Silvio Berlusconi is very worried": Unfortunately, it’s not his fault | Flash communication kills everything view only

Pier Silvio Berlusconi - www.solospettacolo.it Pier Silvio Berlusconi – solospettacolo.it (web source)

Pier Silvio Berlusconi had to make a painful decision: Hot indiscretion sows chaos on social media.

The entrepreneur has been going through a complicated period recently, culminating with thethe hospitalization of father Silvio at the San Raffaele in Milan.

Although the former prime minister finally deserved the exit from the intensive care unit thanks to the improvement in his clinical condition, the manager of Mediaset has one in front of him Season of Crucial TV Challenges.

In addition to the relaunch of the “Temptation Island” format, Pier Silvio Berlusconi will also have to move Rebuild Big Brother from the ground up, a fundamental media device for the prestige of the flagship network. The reality show will start again in the fall, probably in its NIP version, however stripped of recently divisive and trashy content.

In fact, the entrepreneur would have severely scolded Alfonso Signorini and his writing staff upon graduation grotesque drift of the program, which also invites the cast to be more reserved in tone and content. According to Alberto Dandolo, author of “Dagospia” and “Oggi”, Pier Silvio Berlusconi would have applied the same strict standards to “L’Isola dei Famosi”.except from the cast a familiar face from “Men and Women”.

Pier Silvio Berlusconi and the alleged blacklist

Alberto Dandolo reports: “Ilary Blasi concentrates all his energy on his work. For now, running L’Isola dei Famosi is her top priority, and her goal is to be able to alleviate private problems by fully engaging in her professional commitments. However, its editor Pier Silvio Berlusconi is very worried about the trash drift reality TV could takethe controversies that have invested the latest edition of GF Vip are very fresh”.

And again: “For this reason, the top management of the Biscione, While paying a hefty fine, they canceled the already signed contracts of two competitors deemed not in keeping with the spirit of the show. These are certain Gianmarco Onestini and Luca Di Carlo, lawyer and partner of Ilona Staller. There is another backstory. The television manager has terminated another contract with a competitor of L’Isola dei Famosi, for incompatibility with editorial guidelines…”.

Gianmarco Onestini - solospettacolo.it Gianmarco Onestini – solospettacolo.it (web source)

Answer by Gianmarco Onestini

However, the model and former Tronista denied Alberto Dandolo’s tip with an eloquent video in which he reported: “There was nothing with the island, I don’t know what to say… There was no contact with the reality show, you won’t see me in Honduras. I had read my name around but there was nothing official.”

The lawyer specified Luca Di Carlo: “Will I try to participate again? It will be the island that will try again with me in the next issue!“.

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