Pizza with gold costs up to R$350 in Balneário Camboriú G1

Pizza with gold costs up to R$350 in Balneário Camboriú

Pepperoni, Portuguese, pepperoni, mozzarella and gold: what do all these words have in common? These are pizza flavors. You can eat in Balneário Camboriú, in Santa Catarina a pizza with 24karat gold leaves.

💰According to the Brazilian Association of Masters and Pizzaiolos, this is the most expensive pizza in Brazil, sold in medium size for R$350. For those who want to spend a little less, it is possible to buy the small model for R$200.

🍕But it's not just gold in the recipe, it also contains other expensive ingredients, like filet mignon and black truffle and the traditional grated parmesan cheese with a catupiry edge and a béchamel sauce.

Gold leaves are available between R$120 and R$160. However, they are not the most expensive ingredient in the pizza, emphasizes owner Luisa Rauber: Black truffles cost an average of R$ 150, in a pack with just two truffles it is R$ 75 per slice of pizza.

📱The flavor has been on the menu since July last year, in honor of the city's anniversary. But it wasn't a coincidence that it went viral on social media. Luisa explains that as a promotional strategy, they decided to invite influencers to visit the pizzeria and post videos of themselves eating “Brazilian Dubai”.

In addition, an “atmosphere” is created when the pizza is served: the waiters who usually wear pajamas To give the feeling of being at home, they wear formal clothes. The soundtrack from the opening of the series “Game of Thrones” plays in the background and the pizza arrives in a mirrored suitcase filled with liquid nitrogen. (see picture above).

“The setup was a dream for the couple, who have been in the business for five years, starting out with just deliveries and using their home garage as a job,” says Luisa.

“We lived in a very poor area, we hardly had any water or gas. And then people started looking for us. We had to change and open up the physical space to serve people,” he comments. “We couldn’t even tell the customer where we were because the room was occupied,” he adds.

1 of 1 Pizza with Gold — Photo: Disclosure / Pizza Crush Pizza with Gold — Photo: Disclosure / Pizza Crush

Luisa explains that gold has no taste, that it is mainly used to decorate pizza, but that it can be consumed.

At the time of the World Cup, nutritionist Juliana Watanabe explained g1 The gold used in food is generally 23 or 24 karats. Karat is a measure of purity and 24 karat gold is pure gold with no other metals mixed in.

Therefore, this edible gold is very different from the gold used in jewelry, which is often less pure.

In the same period, nutritionist Lara Natacci, master's student and doctor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (USP), said that for this very reason the substance is not absorbed by the body and, when consumed sporadically and in small quantities, it does not pose a health risk .

“This gold is not metabolized by the body. Our body excretes it completely. He doesn’t record it,” he explained.

“But there is no acceptable daily intake for gold, as there is for other additives. What is known through few studies is that there is no absorption in the body, but it cannot be categorically said that it has no side effects.”

However, data on higher intake levels and more frequent consumption are still uncertain due to a lack of studies.

In Brazil, Anvisa told g1 at the time that there were two standards regulating the use of gold in food:

  • Resolution No. 387 of August 5, 1999 states that the use of gold as a dye, for the surface of confectionery and “in the amount necessary to achieve the technological effect”;
  • Resolution RDC 248 of September 13, 2005 allows the use of goldbased mixtures with the technological function of “catalyzing” the production of oils and fats.

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