Plane passenger sparks heated debate after demonstrating 'game-changing' seatbelt hack that allows you to sit 'more comfortably' – but not everyone is convinced by the bizarre trick

A frequent flyer has caused an uproar after she performed a “dangerous” travel trick that involved wrapping her seatbelt around her ankles to sit more “comfortably” during the flight.

Lauren Wolfe is a New York-based influencer who faced angry backlash when she shared her very controversial tip with her 1.1 million followers.

In a recent video, the 26-year-old content creator reignited the ongoing discussion about airplane etiquette – just weeks after a female passenger sparked anger for putting her feet on another person's seat.

The clip shows Lauren sitting in what appears to be a normal bus seat during the ride to Aspen – but instead of having the seatbelt wrapped around her waist due to safety regulations, she is seen with her feet on the seat and her knees pulled up to her chest with the belt over her ankles to hold her in place.

Lauren Wolfe is a New York-based influencer who caused a stir after showing off her

Lauren Wolfe is a New York-based influencer who caused a stir after showing off her “dangerous” travel style, which involves wearing the seatbelt around her ankles

When she shared her bizarre flying habits with her over 1.1 million followers, she was met with angry backlash

When she shared her bizarre flying habits with her over 1.1 million followers, she was met with angry backlash

Lauren's admission sparked debate online Lauren's admission sparked debate online

Lauren's confession sparked a heated debate online about whether sitting with a seatbelt around her ankles was the key to “comfortable” travel

Lauren's admission sparked a heated debate online about whether sitting with the seat belt around your ankles was the key to “comfortable” travel or whether it was a recipe for disaster.

In a viral video that has racked up over 193,000 views so far, the content creator revealed that she first learned the trick from a friend.

She said, “To the girl who said to put the seatbelt on your ankles instead of your waist to make it more comfortable… I owe you my life.”

Lauren then showed viewers a close-up of the hack.

People online flooded her comment section and shared their thoughts.

Many viewers praised Lauren for her unique flying habit.

One person said: “Oh my god I'm so excited to try this.”

Another user added: “Omg the game has changed.”

“This looks so cozy,” one person commented.

Plane passenger sparks heated debate after demonstrating 39game changing39 seatbelt hack 1707152193 903 Plane passenger sparks heated debate after demonstrating 39game changing39 seatbelt hack 1707152195 716 Plane passenger sparks heated debate after demonstrating 39game changing39 seatbelt hack Many viewers praised Lauren for her unique flying habit

Many viewers praised Lauren for her unique flying habit

“Smart,” someone else wrote.

Another person said: “Oh my god yes.”

However, others criticized the influencer and questioned how safe her trick was.

One user commented: “I'm stressed Lauren.”

Someone else said, “Don’t do it.”

Another person asked: “Is this safe?”

“This must be dangerous,” another person wrote.

Someone else added: “Why?”

“No,” another person commented.

Another user commented: “This is definitely an efficient way to break your ankles!”

This isn't the first time leaflets have sparked heated debates about airplane etiquette.

In the past, many passengers asked whether they should change seats during the journey.

Just a month ago, a frequent flyer asked his fellow passengers to swap seats after he found himself in a nightmare where he had to move five times because he reluctantly gave up his seat to another passenger.

1707152198 442 Plane passenger sparks heated debate after demonstrating 39game changing39 seatbelt hack 1707152200 751 Plane passenger sparks heated debate after demonstrating 39game changing39 seatbelt hack 1707152202 113 Plane passenger sparks heated debate after demonstrating 39game changing39 seatbelt hack However, others criticized the influencer and questioned how safe her trick was

However, others criticized the influencer and questioned how safe her trick was

The unidentified man took to Reddit to share his “permanently changed” story about the seat swap. [his] “Think about ever being nice and swapping places with someone.”

He reignited the heated debate over travel etiquette after a frequent flyer was praised for refusing to switch seats so a woman could sit by the window.

He shared his experience in a thread on Delta Air Lines, adding that the disastrous incident occurred eight years ago while he was on a flight from New York City to Utah.

Another frequent flyer previously revealed she refused to swap her window seat with an “eligible” passenger who wanted to sit next to his wife.

The unnamed woman shared on Reddit how she refused to move to a middle seat so the man next to her could sit next to his wife during an 11-hour flight from New York to Cairo, Egypt.

The anonymous woman shared her story on the social media platform to rant about the man in a thread titled “EntitledPeople,” which prompted others online to condemn the man for asking someone else to moving to a lower quality seat he might be happy.

The rejection came months after a man sparked heated debate when he refused to give up his first-class seat for his boss, despite using his own credit card points to do so.

In the past, 's Jaci Stephen has even spoken out and confessed that she “absolutely refuses” to swap seats, no matter how angry the passenger asking for a seat change may be.