Plane turns around after passenger farts excessively while boarding O Pace

Man Removed from American Airlines Flight After Farting Multiple Times and Disturbing the Rest of the Crew in the US | Photo: AFP

The crew of a flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to Austin, Texas, was upset about their trip being delayed. The reason? A man farted excessively and the stench that spread throughout the plane caused the pilot to turn toward the gate. The case gained widespread notoriety on the social network Reddit.

“Before most people got in, I noticed this man was visibly unhappy about something, maybe hungover, a hard day, I don't know, but as soon as he sat down he was muttering something under his breath like 'bloody hell.' or something like that,” wrote a user who was present on the flight on the social network.

After most of the passengers had boarded, the man reportedly said to someone, “Do you think that's rude?” Well, how about that smell?” And he started releasing more gases. “(I don't know) what prompted this comment, and while it was funny to hear, it was unnecessary, especially coming from a grown man on a plane,” the user reported.

The rude behavior of the excessively farting passenger didn't end there. He continued to intentionally release gases and a fight broke out between passengers.

At some point, the flight attendants intervened and told the perpetrator: “That's enough.” The plane taxied to the runway but stopped, according to information published on Reedit.

After a few minutes an announcement was made to the entire crew: “Sorry for the interruption, but we are returning to the gate, we will provide more information as soon as we have it.”

“We go back to the gate and a flight attendant comes back and tells the farter that he will not be staying on this flight. He simply replies, 'I don't understand,' and she says they'll talk about it outside the plane.”

The man took his bag and left the plane.

“We all breathed a sigh of relief when it was removed. I think most people were nervous about what he would say or do next. The trip was only delayed by 15 to 30 minutes, so I think American handled everything quickly,” he added.

(With information from NY Post)

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