Police went to Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s Los Angeles home

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) agents showed up at the building where Johnny Depp and Amber Heard lived on the night of May 21, 2016, the date Heard had previously asserted that he had received beatings from the actor.

On the third day of process between the two actors, Judge Penney Azcarate of Fairfaix County (Virginia, USA). checked the recorded recordings through surveillance cameras of the East Columbia skyscraper in downtown Los Angeles, where Depp owned five apartments.

Pictures taken on May 21, 2016 show the arrival of at least two police officers, a point which property manager Brandon Patterson confirmed when asked, although he said he did not recall any further details of the scene.

Heard had claimed before that Depp hit her with his cell phone on the same day.

The actor and actress were present this Wednesday at a new session of the trial in which Depp accuses his ex-wife of defamation an article published in The Washington Post in 2018 after her divorce and in which she described herself as a person who had experience in what “represents domestic violence.”

The trial, which is taking place after a media trial in London over another similar article, will be broadcast live and will feature witnesses from such famous figures as actor James Franco or billionaire Elon Musk.

Among the witnesses who have already intervened is a close friend of the actor, isaac baruchHe assured that he was aware of the couple’s conversations he can’t remember seeing any signs of violence.

Baruch stated that he met Heard the day after the alleged incident in May 2016 and that she told him about it “Depp became violent” and hit her.

“I looked at her completely and saw nothing… No cuts, bruises, swelling. Just Amber’s face,” insisted the friend, who lived on the same block and was financially supported by Depp.

Baruch called it a “malicious lie” The allegations of ill-treatment of Heard and assured that they have severely affected Depp’s family, according to statements collected by the American chain Fox News.

The day before, the actor’s sister and assistant, Christi Dembrowski, was questioned by Heard’s attorneys about several messages urging him to stop using substances, though she assured that she was never concerned that Depp had an addiction have.

The actor asks his ex-partner $50 million in damages.

For his part, Heard responded with a countersuit alleging that the actor launched a smear campaign against him and demands 100 million

It’s the first time the two celebrities have faced each other in court. In the trial, held in London, in which Depp lost, the actress took part as a witness because the charges were against The Sun over an article that described the actor as an “aggressor against women”.