Pope to Pueri singers: Singing is beauty and joy of life German

In Sala Paulo VI, the Pope met with the International Federation of Pueri Cantores, where he explained that choirs help communities to pray and open their hearts to God: Singing is an act of love and in doing so we pray with words and with music, with the heart and with the voice, with dedication and with art

Manoel Tavares Vatican City

On Saturday morning, the 30th, the Holy Father received at the Vatican the children of the international federation “Pueri Cantores” (Singing Children), who welcomed him with a beautiful song.

At the beginning of his greeting to the 3,500 people present in the Paul VI Hall. Francisco praised the work of these children's singers and said: “What you are doing is very important, because with your voices you are helping communities to pray and open their hearts to the Lord.” This is fundamental to the life of the Church. That is why I would like to entrust you with three key words: joy, prayer and humility.”

Singing is fun

Here's how the Pope explained each of these words, starting with “joy”: “Singing is joy, especially when danced in choir.” The joy of your singing is a gift you have received from those who composed the music, that they interpret, by those who teach and pass them on, even over the centuries. How many children and young people sing your songs!”

Here Francis quoted a sentence from the Apostle Paul: “God loves a cheerful giver”:

“And that is very beautiful: to receive a precious gift and to pass it on enriched with your own joy.” When you sing with enthusiasm, you give a great gift to everyone who listens to you. The world needs so much joy! Many people, including young people, are prisoners of fear or boredom. Therefore, singing and music can touch hearts, add beauty and restore enthusiasm and hope to life. This is joy.”

Singing helps with prayer

Next, the Holy Father explained the meaning of the second word “prayer”: “You are not some artist, you are not putting on a show, but you are helping others to pray with your songs.” That is why it is important that hearts are always with Jesus stay connected. This is the meaning of daily prayer: to transmit with your voices your heart overflowing with love for Jesus, which reaches other hearts.” And remembering the words of St. Augustine, who said: “He who sings prays twice,” Francis said :

“It’s true: singing is an act of love. So we pray with words and music, with heart and voice, with devotion and art. With your songs you show that you have found Jesus, generous, holy, kind, who always walks with us. By singing and praying together and in harmony, you help the community follow your example and walk together.”

Singing is a school of humility

Finally, Francisco reflected on the third word he entrusted to the Children Singers: “Humility”: “Singing is a school of humility, because the singer is part of a choir through which he can provide a valuable service to his own community.” . And he added:

“Your singing becomes more humble because it is in the service of God and thus helps others to encounter the Lord and to give space in the silence to listen to Jesus.” A singer should never be the center of attention, on the contrary, he should face it Join the choir, because unity comes from humility and expresses true friendship, with God and with other brothers.”

Pope Francis concluded his greeting to the “singing children” (Pueri Cantores) with the reminder: “How many things music can teach us, especially sacred music, whose soul is the Word of God.” Share this gift that you have received, with others. Thank you for your service! Keep it up with passion. Happy New Year everyone!