Prince William is living the look of “colonialism” during his royal tour, writes REBECCA ENGLISH

From the Mayan ruins in the heart of Chiquibul Forest to the kaleidoscopic colors of the Junkanoo in the Bahamas, the eight-day tour with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge was a whirlwind.

Few could have foreseen some of the dramatic turns along the way, let alone William’s unprecedented testimony to try and make sense of it all.

But having traveled with the pair every step of the way — unlike the keyboard warriors who are determined to trip William and Kate up — I realize their Caribbean tour wasn’t the catastrophic disaster that was would lead many to believe.

Contrary to the opinion of some circles, the couple were very attached to the optics of “colonialism”, and whenever possible opted for smaller, more intimate dates where they could meet as many members of the communities visited as possible rather than large set pieces.

The Duchess of Cambridge waves to children on behalf of the Queen during a visit to Trench Town, the birthplace of reggae in Kingston, Jamaica, on day four of her tour of the Caribbean to celebrate her platinum anniversary

The Duchess of Cambridge waves to children on behalf of the Queen during a visit to Trench Town, the birthplace of reggae in Kingston, Jamaica, on day four of her tour of the Caribbean to celebrate her platinum anniversary

That’s not to say there weren’t missteps that were rightly highlighted.

Let’s not forget that it was this newspaper that broke the story that the couple were forced to pull out of their first consecutive major engagement in Belize over indigenous land rights.

I am told that about five weeks ago their team knew there was a problem in the area but proceeded with it on the advice of the local government. Way?

Then why withdraw, even on the advice of local government officials? Why not meet the community and talk to them face-to-face about their concerns? The family whose sustainable cocoa farm they were to visit was absolutely devastated at such a missed opportunity.

Yes, there was a demonstration against British rule in Jamaica. But it was polite, respectful, and only included about 100 people — a contrast to the 1,000 or so who catch a glimpse of them visiting Trench Town for a football game and visiting Bob Marley’s home.

Were they there for the royals themselves or for the spectacle? It’s hard to say, but the screams and cheers that the Cambridges’ arrival evoked certainly outweighed those of popular English soccer star Raheem Sterling, who was born in Jamaica. Much has been said and written about the moment the couple was caught on camera sticking their hands through a wire fence to greet well-wishers.

Take it from anyone who was there: the atmosphere was upbeat, the couple were summoned by the crowd eager to meet them and instinctively wanted to do it. The alternative was to stand 20 feet away, smile and wave. And I don’t think you can get much more “colonial”.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shake hands with locals during a visit to Trench Town, the birthplace of reggae in Kingston, Jamaica The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shake hands with locals during a visit to Trench Town, the birthplace of reggae in Kingston, Jamaica

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shake hands with locals during a visit to Trench Town, the birthplace of reggae in Kingston, Jamaica

That said – and I know Kensington Palace recognizes this – it has highlighted how aid workers are right to think “out of the box” in a post-pandemic, Black Lives Matter world where we’ve all been rightly challenged and having to live with unflattering looks about the way we think and behave. In truth, what most irked the Palace team was the social media hoard that some engineered as a result.

I have no doubt that the whole ethos of royal tours will change from now on. Less solemn, more cerebral. Minimal pomp and pomp. What has struck me over the past few days is how thoughtful and intuitive William in particular has become.

As someone who has traveled the world with him since his first solo tour of New Zealand in 2005, he is a very changed person.

In his younger years, the notoriously short-tempered prince would have ranted and ranted against the headlines – lashed out at the media and blamed everyone but himself. I’ve seen it first hand myself.

The William I saw on tour was calm, measured and alive to everything that was going on around him. He showed real leadership and genuine empathy for those he met. I’m hesitant to say so soon, but I suspect he’ll make a good king.

His statement over the weekend was an absolute masterclass in diplomacy, both showing humility and acknowledging his critics without bowing to them.

He and Kate were also stronger than ever as a team.

William is immensely proud of her and she is – finally – starting to get excited, even taking the lead in engagements, getting out of the car first, hand outstretched.

William still benefits from his mother’s aura, but Kate has carved one of her own.