Prostitution, theft and lovers: Júlio destroys Gilda in court in Amor Perfeito TV news

Júlio (Daniel Rangel) will not save Gilda (Mariana Ximenes) from humiliation in Amor Perfeito. Although the redhead is not the defendant in the trial for the alleged murder of Leonel (Paulo Gorgulho), the lawyer will do everything to demoralize her and thus support his thesis that Marê (Camila Queiroz) was a victim of the villain’s machinations . To do this, he resurrects important characters from the bandit past, such as the pimp Madame Chantilly (Lêda Ribas), the businessman Mesquita (unnamed actor) and the former chambermaid Catarina (Cristiane Amorim).

Each will reveal a “character flaw” in the redhead. Chantilly, for example, will review the woman’s past in prostitution and her excessive ambition. Mesquita will point out that she stole while working in his store and forged a letter of introduction in his name. Catarina and Laura (Gabz) will highlight the criminal’s extramarital affairs.

Júlio is reprimanded several times during the trial precisely because the character of Mariana Ximenes is not judged. But between one rant and another, he will be able to prove that Gilda is not a flower to be sniffed at. He will also gradually expand his argument that the former prostitute took his stepdaughter away from her father and then tried to kill him, with a view to the man’s assets.

“The strategy of the defense, with these statements, is to show that, years ago, Ms. Gilda had the intention to beat Leonel and drive away his daughter, Maria Elisa Rubião!”, the lawyer will say after the testimony of Madame Chantilly and Mosque speak. The jury will be prepared to believe this after hearing so many atrocities from witnesses. For example, the pimp will say that Gilda was her best “girl”:

Gilda, or rather Shirley, was one of the most desirable people in the house. The most ambitious girl I’ve ever met. It was the goose that laid the golden eggs in my house. She was smart as a fox and knew better than anyone how to use her skills to keep men in her hands. Ripping off clothes, jewelry, fur coats… But she wanted more. And he pulled off the perfect coup by marrying a millionaire from Minas Gerais.

The statement will be enough to cause a stir on the forum, but Mesquita will add fuel to the fire. “Gilda worked at my company until she hit me! She stole a large amount of money from me, I reported it, she was arrested and spent a long time behind bars,” she reveals.

“Did you ever write a letter of recommendation from her to Mr. Leonel Rubião?” Júlio will ask. “I would never do that! “She forged my signature and went off to hit another Muggle,” the man said. The defense attorney will again warn the jury that the forged letter is evidence that Gilda went to the city with the intention of staging a coup.

The list of allegations weighs heavily on Gilda

But he won’t stop there. The next witness will be Orlando (Diogo Almeida), who will tell his story with the reprisals from Marê and Leonel regarding their involvement. He is questioned by prosecutor Silvio (Bukassa Kabengele) about his relationship with his father Virgílio Lopes (Christovam Neto), Leonel’s mortal enemy, and the answer will only get worse for Gilda’s side:

“I did not turn to Maria Elisa or Gilda out of revenge or ambition. I never thought I had a right to the Rubião family fortune. My cousin, yes,” he begins, referring to Lucília (Kênia Bárbara).

Since she, like me, was my father’s heir, my cousin Lucília turned to Gilda, thinking she could get back her rights to the Grande Hotel. And for that, Mr. Judge, he ultimately lost his own life. Before her death, Lucília told me that she had overheard a conversation with Mr. Gaspar Evaristo [Thiago Lacerda] She accused Gilda of killing her own husband, Leonel Rubião!

After the bomb, Catarina will repeat that she saw Marê leaving the hotel before the shots. Laura, in turn, will remember the collusion between Gilda and other powerful figures in the city journalist Turíbio Fonseca (Glicério do Rosário), Gaspar, Albuquerque police chief (Beto Militani) and her own father, prosecutor Sílvio Pacheco.

To prove her point, she revisits a childhood diary and reads it aloud: “My father just called me such names. But he was the one who was wrong. I just wanted to say ‘goodnight’ to him and his friends who were here at home: Mr. Gaspar, the police chief, Mr. Turíbio and Ms. Gilda. But when I got to the living room, I saw my father, alone with Mrs. Gilda, kissing her on the mouth.”

The situation will be at its peak, but there will be two more defense witnesses. Beto Cavaquinho (Guarnier), who will say that he saw Gilda walking around the cafe concert on the day of the crime, although she said she saw the whole show, and Norberto (Flávio Ozório), the detective on assignment for the Leonel was responsible for the investigation against her.

But the process will only be over when the victim sitting in the audience remembers everything. Paulo Gorgulho’s character will interrupt the horde of witnesses and scream at the top of his lungs: “It was her! It was Gilda who shot me!”

Amor Perfeito, a novel by Duca Rachid and Júlio Fischer, also written by Elísio Lopes Jr., ends on the 22nd. The plot is replaced by the remake of Elas por Elas (1982).

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