“Putin in court? Only on one condition”, who can bring the tsar to court


“I have no answer as to what is true and what is false about this story, and I fear no one will have it until the end of our days,” said the Limes director Lucio Caracciolo He commented on the gruesome images that came out of the city Bucha in Ukraine. Images showing the bodies of civilians left in the streets by the Russian army. However, as a guest of Lilli Gruber at the age of 8 1/2, the expert explained: “We are in a particularly cruel war that is now taking place in the cities. If the Russians did something like that, it wouldn’t surprise me”.

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Speaking of a possible arrest warrant for the Tsar, Caracciolo explained that it was very difficult to issue. In this regard, he said: “Putin could only be tried by any court if there were one coup in Russia and he was overthrown or if he lost the election and was ousted. But I don’t think it will have a big impact on the ongoing negotiations, so much so that Zelenskyy himself said he was ready to negotiate with Putin.”

Lucio Caracciolo at Otto e mezzo, the video of his speech

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Among other things, according to the Limes director, a trial in court could even strengthen Putin’s position in his country: “He’s already very popular, but if there were to be an indictment, then that would be the case it would further boost his popularity in Russia‘ he commented.

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