Ratinho gets ‘angry’ at an employee for an unusual reason, sparking controversy online; Video echoes under i…

TV and Celebrities

The SBT presenter shared the video on his social networks

Image: Reproduction/Instagram by RatinhoImage: Reproduction/Instagram by Ratinho

In the morning of this Thursday (23rd) the moderator little mouse spawned controversy when sharing a video on your social networks. The SBT presenter, who is recovering at home from recent surgery, criticized the neutral term “all” used to promote the inclusion of nonbinary people, i.e. people who do not identify as male or female.

In said video the communicator seems irritated by the employee, who asks him to speak again, but now uses the neutral term she quoted. “I’m just recovering from the surgery I had. I wanted to tell everyone in Brazil,” he said, when he was interrupted, “Boss, do you have to say ‘everyone’, shall we record again?”.

> Image: Reproduction/Instagram by Ratinho

As Ratinho lay down, he became irritated and snapped, “Now you have to talk? Am I obligated to talk to everyone?” he asked, continuing to ramble on the subject and firing: “I’m not going to record it sucks*no that all that all that,” he raged. “I don’t know what all this is, porr*, get out of here, get out, satan, get out,” he added.

Many Internet users reacted to the effects of the video on the Internet. “It clearly looks like something ‘planned.’ I wonder how someone recovering from surgery puts themselves in this place to create “controversy”. It’s so much more real to rest peacefully. What the internet does to some people is quite complex. Here’s an example,” criticized one user on Twitter. “Oh folks, spare me! I understand people badmouthing but it’s obvious that was a joke,” wrote another.