To explain Wladimir Putin what is life and having power maybe it was the grandfather at the end of a mythological chess game. In order to unveil the anecdote, it is in a sense instructive to understand the psychology with which the Russian President directs the game even in the war in Ukraine Giorgio Dell’Artia journalist among the greatest Italian experts on excellent biographies.
In connection with Andrea Pancani a coffe breakon La7, Dell’Arti recalls: Putin “wanted to play chess with his grandfather, he was 8. The episode tells him so and is therefore particularly significant because the source is Putin himself. He won, he was good, he he Checkmate. But the grandfather kept moving the pieces after the game was over, as if the game weren’t over. The child then said to him: “Grandpa, the rule says that the game is over when I make you angry,” answered the grandfather: “But the rules of the real man if he does it himself. Pretty much what has happened in the past few weeks.
Putin humiliated by his grandfather as a child: Watch Dell’Arti’s video at CoffeeBreak
“He wants to change the rule, he wants to sit at the table emphasizes Dell’Arti . When he says that the downfall of theThe Soviet Union It was a worldwide tragedy. He says exactly that. He wants to sit down at the negotiating table with the same importance that the Russians of the Soviet Union and the Russians of the Tsar had, because in the 19th century the five powers that decided everything were Prussia , France, Austria, England and Russia. “, concludes Dell’Art, “Putin is an intelligent, clear, relentless Guerr criminalto. His arrest warrant will arrive by the end of the year and if he stops they will prevent him from going abroad as happened in Pinochet in Chile. I hate him but there aren’t many his size in the whole world.”