Russian manager found dead after falling from building in Moscow

Kristina Baikova was found dead after allegedly falling out of her apartment window.

Businesswoman Kristina Baikova, 28, vicepresident of Russian bank LokoBank, was found dead on Saturday 24th after allegedly falling out of her apartment window Moscowat Russia. She lived on the 11th floor. The information comes from the English newspaper The Daily and the Russian news agency Regnum. Death is surrounded by mysteries. This is because, according to the Regnum agency, the executive would have invited a friend to his home. “The deceased phoned her 34yearold boyfriend and invited him to visit over the weekend. At around 3 a.m., she fell out of the window. “Her body was found near one of the entrances of the house where she lived,” the source told the Russian agency. According to the Russian agency, she headed one of the projects of the Credit Bank of Moscow (MCB). The Russian police are investigating the case.

It is noteworthy that since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, In February last year, the number of mysterious deaths of businessmen, tycoons and oligarchs in Russia increased. Most of the causes of death are suicide or falls from building windows. Most of the victims criticized the invasion of Ukraine, which also attracted a lot of attention. In July last year, 61yearold multimillionaire Yuri Voronov was found dead, shot to the head, in the swimming pool at his St. Petersburg villa. The man was the head of a logistics company linked to Gazprom, Russia’s stateowned energy company. Another case that is also puzzling is the death of the former vice president of natural gas company Novatek, Sergei Protosenya, at the age of 55. He was found hanged dead in Spain in April 2022. His 53yearold wife and teenage daughter were stabbed to death.

*With information from agencies The Daily and Regnum