To the content of the new EU sanctions package against the Russia “There is an ongoing discussion. The Commission always says that for us no measure is excluded and now it’s truer than ever. Surely what we’ve all seen deserves one reaction In addition“. According to the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs Paolo Gentiloni he replies on the edge ofEurogroup in Luxembourg, to those who ask whether the massacre of civilians took place a Bucha can convince the EU to meet them petroleum and the gas Russians. What happened to Bucha requires “very clear measures,” suggested the French President Emmanuel macron on France Inter. “That is why we will coordinate with our European partners, especially with the Germany‘ he added, referring to individual sanctions and measures related to ‘coal and oil’. But Berlin slows down: “At the moment It is not possible Cut gas deliveries,” said the Federal Minister of Finance, Christian Lindner, Arrival in the Eurogroup. Germans are the EU country most dependent on Moscow fossils, but they are not alone. Even Rome remains in a waitandsee position for the time being: “Italy declared the Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio It will not veto sanctions against Russian gas.
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The Bucha events have rekindled the debate about European necessity to solve completely off Imports of Russian gasbut until today the positions have not changed: the embargo on gas, oil and coal is not in the new package of sanctions that has been developed in recent days, so far not even an agreement has been reached upper limit to the price of purchases. In practice only the three Baltic republics (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) walked the talk and stopped the flow from Moscow. Vilnius has announced that all gas necessary for domestic needs will be imported from the port terminal in liquid form KlaipedaInaugurated in 2014: Lithuania hardly imported 1.1 billion Of cubic meter per year.
Germany is in a complete state of affairs differently and it is the main importer fromEU: About half of its gas comes from Moscow. Italy also imports over 40 percent of its gas from Russia. France, on the other hand, is holding on 25%. Percentages that partly explain the different positions in Brussels. “We need to put more pressure on Putin, isolate Russia and cut all economic ties,” but to get to one embargo “we have need some time“At the moment we have to differentiate between oil, coal and gas,” explained Lindner. The German position is not isolated: “TheAustria is not associated with new sanctions “against Moscow”. gas. Gives very dependent from Russian gas, and I think that any sanctions that hit us more than Russia would not be fair,” said the Vienna finance minister. magnus Bruner. But Germany is decisive at this moment: “It is them main obstacle on the new sanctions, said the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
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Italy stays out of the way: “No yes will withdraw not even about the Russian gas sanction, especially after the Bucha atrocities, Di Maio said in response to Ansa. Speak to the press a Zagrebhowever, where he participated in the Upper Adriatic Trilateral, the minister clarified that “Italy calls on the EU to upper limit for the price of natural gas”. “We call on the EU to speed up procedures and initiatives designed to protect families and businesses. the price Postal codethe cap on the price of gas, even more so if the import of gas from Russia is stopped, it is important that the as soon as possible‘ Di Maio said. The government Spanish and the Portuguese have proposed to the EU Commission that a 30 euros per megawatt hour the maximum gas price for thermal power plants.
Yesterday in Italy the Secretary of the Democratic Party spoke: Enrico Lettawho wrote in a tweet: “How many bucha does it take before you jump on one full embargo on Russian oil and gas? Time is up”. But apart leu and + Europe, who have raised their voices to call for more sanctions, including on gas and oil, the issue of sanctions is virtually nonexistent in the internal political debate. From the opposition, in particular from the brothers of Italy, the request for allocation of amounts is received for the time being lost fund through the European Union to heal or repay the nations more hit of sanctions.