RussiaUkraine War, Pope Francis: “Conflict is not inevitable. Enough, stop before he erases man from history”

Pope Francis he renewed his appeal why do you stop there war in Ukraine: “Enough, stop it, hold your guns, be serious about peace”. War must be rejected as a “place of being”. deathwhere fathers and mothers bury their children, where men kill their brothers without even seeing them, where powerful decide and i poor they are dying, the Pope said at the Angelus, returning to speak about the conflict. “Given the danger of Selfdestruction“Said the Pope,” may humanity understand that the time has come to abolish war, to abolish it story of man before she is the one who erases man from history”.

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Francesco recalled that more than a month had passed since then February 24ththe day of the Russian invasion ofUkraine: over a month “of this war horrible and pointless which, like every war, represents a defeat for all of us, “an act”barbarian and sacrilege”. The Pope spoke the political representatives, and asked her to look at “tormented Ukraine, where every day the war aggravates the situation for everyone”. In the past few days, the Pope had made an important appeal to stop the rearmament: “I am ashamed of the states that increase military spending to 2%, crazy people!‘ Francesco explained.

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It is necessary for the Pope to stop the war, also because he is not doing it devastated only the present, but also “thetake place of a society”: it destroys the future and provokes trauma dramatic in the “smallest innocents”. Armed conflict can be nothing inevitable and it is necessary that we do not get used to it: “We have to rebuild it indignation today in tomorrow’s commitment because if we come out of this story as before, we will all be in some way guilty“.

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