Shooting in Prague, massacre victim identified. What we know

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Czech police have identified the 13 victims of the massacre at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy at Charles University in Prague: On December 21, David Koraz – a 24-year-old student with mental health problems – opened fire in the university. before killing himself in front of officers who responded to the scene. The list of identities of the dead has not yet been published. However, according to the findings, almost all of them belong to the student body or the teaching staff of the faculty. However, details became known about two people: the director of the Institute of Musicology, Lenka Hlávková, and Lucie Špindlerová, a young first-year student who also works as a proofreader. Two people from the United Arab Emirates and a Dutch student were among the 25 injured. (WHO WAS THE MURDERER).

The other murders

Just a few hours earlier, Koraz's father's body had been found about thirty kilometers from Prague: it was always the boy who killed him. The massacre then sparked suspicions that he might be involved in another murder, namely that of a two-month-old girl and her father (32 years old), who were found lifeless in the Klanovice forest last week. Then came the confirmation: “The ballistic analysis showed the match of the weapon used in the Klanovice forest with the weapon found in the family home in Hostoun, where the university murderer lived,” the police told the TV channel ct24.

The mother's arsenal and concern

In the days before the massacre, the student announced via Telegram that he wanted to take his own life. However, his plan before committing suicide was to “shoot up a school”, inspired by similar news events in Russia. The arsenal of weapons and ammunition found by the officers in the building was used for this purpose, which the director of the Prague police, Petr Matejicek, described as “unbelievable” and with which he wanted to cause “a much larger massacre”: pistols and rifles, among them a shotgun and a silencer. It was his mother who raised the alarm that her son was going to college to commit suicide. At that point, police launched a search operation and cleared a university building on Celetna Street, but Kozak then attacked another building on Jan Palach Square.


see also

Shooting at Prague University, pictures of fleeing students. VIDEO