Taxi driver fined for reading Bible text in his vehicle; understand

Photo: Reproduction/RD

The German city of Essen fined taxi driver Jalil Mashali 88.50 euros (approximately R$470.00) for driving a biblical text in your vehicle. According to his defense, the fine was ultimately lower than the 1,000 euros (approximately R$ 5,300.00) originally demanded by the town hall.

The situation surrounding Mashali was confirmed on Tuesday (20) by Sofia Hoerder, spokeswoman for the human rights organization ADF International, during a survey by Reformatorisch Dagblad.

In October 2023, the taxi driver received a notice from the city of Essen threatening him with a fine if he did not remove a sticker with the inscription “Jesus I am the way, the truth and the life” from his taxi.

According to the city hall, this message was considered religious and inappropriate advertising because taxis perform a public function.


Sticker with the Bible text on the taxi. (Photo: Jalil Mashali)

Both Mashali and ADF International argue that the ban violates fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech and expression. Religious freedomincluding the right to share deeply held beliefs with other people.

Because of his rights, the Christian has so far refused to remove the text from his taxi. Mashali also appealed against the fine with the support of the human rights organization. While he waits for a decision, the taxi driver will not pay, his lawyer says.

If the administrative authority does not cancel the fine, the case may be referred to court.

Surgery and family

Jalil Mashali, a 51yearold Iranian Muslim, moved there Germany in 2001 to undergo surgery. He says he converted to Christianity there.

“I was born in the Iranian metropolis of Ahvaz in 1972 and grew up in a family with ten children,” says Mashali. “My father died in 1980 during the IraqIran War. I was eight years old then. Since our family lost its breadwinner, I had to start selling cigarettes, water and falafel on the streets.”

He says he was hit by a bus at age 13 and has undergone 17 leg surgeries. Despite this serious accident, he resumed his life in the following years.

He is married with two children and earns his living as an official in the city hall of Ahvaz.


Mashali said that the Islam it was very significant for him at that time. “I was the most religious in my entire family and prayed a lot. He hated Jews and Christians and preferred to kill them. So I thought I was entering paradise.”

In 2001, Mashali went to Essen to receive medical treatment. “I continued to have great difficulty walking and severe pain. I followed a cousin's advice and went to Germany. If possible, they could do something for me.”


The taxi driver reports that he had a difficult time in the hospital. “After the operation the pain was so severe that the morphine hardly helped. I wanted to take my wheelchair to the fourth floor of the hospital and jump.”

At that time he received a visit from his exwife's friend.

“She had become a Christian and asked if she could pray with me. I didn't want to because I was a devout Muslim. Still, I allowed it. She asked if God would take away my suffering and called me his son. I didn't understand any of it. In Islam, people are only servants of Allah.”

After prayer, Mashali saw a miracle happen.

“My pain went away and to my surprise, it didn't come back. She said Jesus did it and gave me one Bible in Persianthe language I learned in Iran.”


Mashali says that from then on a long period of internal struggle began.

“I have read the Bible many times, but I have also read the Koran repeatedly. Finally, I realized how different Muhammad and Jesus were. God made it clear in my heart that I could no longer deny him.”

The taxi driver said that the decision to become a Christian radically changed his life.

“I no longer have to do my best to find favor with Allah. After the operation I continued to live in Germany. I want to use my life here to show others the way to Him.”

The exMuslim looks outside with a melancholic look. “There are so many people who still don’t know him.”


Although the situation in Germany is significantly better than in Iran, Mashali doesn't have it easy either. Lifting your pant leg a little will reveal a prosthesis that will make your daily activities, such as working and climbing stairs, more difficult.

To survive, Mashali has to work 10 to 12 hours a day. And he explains: “It's difficult, but God supports me every day.” I don't deserve this. Sometimes I am not faithful to my prayers. However, He gives me what I need. This is grace.”

He makes it a point to share his Christian faith with everyone who gets into his taxi. However, he admits that he has to be careful when dealing with Muslim passengers as some of them react aggressively. That's why he is sometimes silent. He quotes the words of Zechariah: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit.”

Forbidden message

Currently Mashali does not have many passengers. “It’s usually busier,” he says as he drives his car through the busy streets of Essen. He had barely finished speaking when a message appeared on the panel.

“A customer,” calls Mashali, who stops her car and a man in his seventies gets in. He barely sits down when the taxi driver begins to say.

“I risk a fine of up to 10,000 euros because I have biblical texts in my taxi. The government says it is religious advertising and is banned.”

The man replies, “Whatever the city says will be good, right?”

Mashali shakes her head. “I don’t agree with that.” The older man hums something incomprehensible. Then more clearly: “I have to stop here.” He hands the taxi driver a tenner and then sets off down a side street.

“It is incomprehensible to me that I would risk such a high fine in Germany because of a Bible text,” says Mashali. “The fact that this happened to me in Iran is not surprising. But in Germany, a country where freedom is fundamental? For me, the Bible verse is a way to bear witness.”

Graffiti on the closed church

According to the city of Essen, the accusation against Mashali is based on a law from 1998. At that time, the Federal Court ruled that taxis fulfill a crucial public function. Therefore, religious texts are considered unsuitable for representation in these media.

According to Mashali, the problem lies deeper. “Germany has lost its Christian roots. Do you see that church over there?” points to a building painted with graffiti. “There used to be church services there, but now it’s empty. This is because people no longer need God.”

Mashali is supported by an Austrian lawyer who took on the case free of charge. A date for the verdict has not yet been set. If it is decided that texting is banned in the taxi, Mashali says, “Then I will remove it.” God also commands us to be obedient to the government. Until then, I hope it’s a blessing.”

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