The Expanse: New trailer for Telltale Games’ sci-fi game

Known mainly for its narrative games of the likes of The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us, Telltale Games intends to come back strong this year with The Expanse. Originally launched in December 2021, the game from the TV series announces its news today during the IGN Fan Fest.

Investigations in the middle of the disaster

The Expanse New trailer for Telltale Games sci fi game

This new trailer allowed us to see several gameplay sequences of the title. For those who don’t know, The Expanse is a third-person narrative-driven action-adventure game that will feature sharper action phases and smoother movement and interactions than in the studio’s previous productions.

The trailer shown notably featured sequences of explorations of the boned ship and heated dialogue between various crew members. As in all Telltale games, there are many decisions to be made throughout your adventure that will determine the fate of your teammates.

The least we can say is that the game should obviously delight SF fans with a claustrophobic atmosphere. The game seems to be heading in a much more terrifying direction than most of their older productions, with dismemberments and plenty of bloodshed.

The Expanse doesn’t have an exact release date yet, all we know is that it’s set for summer 2023 on Xbox Series X | S, PS5 and PC is planned. Also remember that the studio is also working on The Wolf Among Us 2, which is also scheduled for release in 2023.