The interviewee criticizes CNN for its coverage of Israel and the station takes him off the air Revista Oeste

During the CNN Newsroom program that aired on Saturday the 14th, anchor Anne Barbosa ended the interview with Nathan Galkowicza Brazilian who has lived in Israel for 40 years and lives almost 10 kilometers from the Gaza Strip, after the man criticized the channel’s coverage of Hamas terrorist attacks against Israelis.

According to Galkowicz, the reporter Danúbia Braga, who preceded her participation, is “not well informed.” This is because the journalist had left out information that he considered relevant, such as explaining Israel’s response to Gaza. Galkowicz recalled that Israel is defending itself and is not against the Palestinians, but against the Hamas radicals.

When Galkowicz mentioned Donau’s talk about bombings of Palestinian hospitals in Gaza, he explained that in the basement of these health units there were tunnels used by Hamas. In addition, the man pointed out that Israel had warned of attacks in advance to give civilians time to seek refuge in the south of the city and evacuate the area.

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“Hamas does not allow Palestinians to leave the country because it uses these people as a shield,” Galkowicz explained, mentioning the Gaza blackout cited by Danúbia. “Gaza’s light is provided by a thermal power plant in Israel. This place was bombed by Hamas for 20 years. In response to the attack, Israel stopped deliveries, which unfortunately had an impact on the Palestinian people.”

Galkowicz also spoke about the water shortage in Gaza and blamed Hamas, not Israel. According to the man, extremists are preventing Israel from selling the product, which it has in abundance, because of desalination technology.

“CNN didn’t say all that,” Galkowicz noted as he went live off the air. The man has been involved with Hamas for years, especially since his 22yearold daughter died in 2005 as a result of an attack by the extremists.

Also read: “Journalists argue with interviewee who accused Hamas of being equated with terrorism”