The National Court does not suspend the concert, whose poster faked a shot at Abascal, but orders the inspection

Vox denounces a poster that fakes a shot in the

The national court has rejected the request of Vox, which requested the suspension of a concert scheduled for Thursday night in Bilbao after posters appeared on the streets of the Basque city announcing the act with a picture of the party leader being shot in the neck Santiago Abascal was simulated. The judge on duty of the National Court, Joaquín Gadea, according to the prosecutor, considers that there is no reason to suspend this concert – which is not part of the official program of the festivals of the Biscay capital – but has sent a letter to the Ertzaintza , the Civil Guard and the National Police, so that they are aware of the call and control it “taking the measures they deem necessary to prevent the commission of acts of terrorism in their development and in the event of their occurrence.” , drive Proceed with identifying and arresting their perpetrators.”

The court is examining the poster, the authorship of which is unknown, and finds that “there are good reasons to believe that the image falls within the scope of the criminal offense,” according to an order issued by Judge Gadea this afternoon. The judge sees evidence of crimes of aggravation and apology for terrorism (Articles 578 and 579 of the Criminal Code). Vox had also asked to investigate a possible threatening crime, which the judge ruled out for the time being.

In the car, Gadea describes the image on the poster: “It depicts Santiago Abascal Conde, the leader of a political formation with parliamentary representation, in an iconography easily identifiable with a ‘shot in the head’, one of the most commonly used .” Methods used by the terrorist organization ETA to carry out their murders”. The judge finds it necessary to look at the facts to find out aspects such as “the manner, medium and scale” in which the poster was distributed (be it physical or in a purely digital environment) or the individuals or groups who have done so have been responsible for the spread. Dissemination, “to the extent that it can serve to clarify or deepen a judgment on intentions.” However, he believes that there are already sufficient indications to initiate proceedings and to commission the regional court with the investigation, since these are incidents related to terrorism acts.

Gadea believes that the image used to announce the concert “goes beyond the limits of freedom of expression”, although there is a need to gather more information. In his decision, the judge assumes that the ad under investigation is “an appeal directed at sympathizers of a certain ideology close to that which shaped the organization, which carried out murders by means of a headshot, as depicted on the sign.” “. “It is intended to attract the attention of those who may be interested in the promoted musical groups and to present an image that demonstrates complicity or collusion with the killing act, presents itself uncritically, and is in is able to arouse curiosity, to attend the festive performance.” the affinity or harmony with the terrorist attack depicted,” explains the judge, who recalls that Abascal was already threatened by ETA (when he was a member of the Basque PP ).

“Santiago Abascal Conde is clearly identified on the poster as the person who appears to be surrounded by a pool of blood on one side. This person represents a national political party and is thus the leader of a particular political ideology. This is a person who was threatened by the terrorist group ETA for part of his political life. [se trata] a victim of terrorist threats. After all, the poster is aimed precisely at a group that is ideologically close or close to the postulates of the terrorist organization, i.e. people who might be interested or desire to see what the poster achieves,” the judge concludes.

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