The reaper at Charles III’s coronation ceremony?

The coronation of King Charles III. this weekend was a fun occasion that generated a lot of reactions on social media. Several took the opportunity to criticize the enormous cost of the ceremony, but also the arrests of Republican demonstrators.

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However, the ceremony was overshadowed by a mysterious masked figure who appeared during the event and netizens likened it to the Grim Reaper.

In videos posted to Twitter and TikTok, a hooded figure dressed in black and holding a staff quickly walks past the open door of Westminster Abbey during the ceremony outside.

Social networks then ignited. Some who spotted the character immediately made jokes, others said it was the late Queen Elizabeth II or the late Princess Diana.

However, there is an explanation that is less scary.

Contacted by Newsweek, Westminster Abbey identified the figure as a member of the abbey community who attends services but is not a clergyman.