The Reddit post may have helped cops solve Lily Peter’s case as the 14-year-old cousin is charged with murder

A chilling Reddit post may have helped police catch the alleged killer of a 10-year-old girl who was choked to death and then sexually assaulted

Wisconsin police found the body of the tragic Lily’ Peters, 10, after a 12-hour search in a wooded area near Chippewa Falls, northeast of Eau Claire.

The fourth-grader’s 14-year-old cousin, known only by his initials CP-B, has since been charged with murder.

District Attorney Wade Newell said the boy punched [Lily] in the abdomen, knocked her to the ground and strangled her to death, and then sexually assaulted her.

However, police may have only realized that Lily’s cousin may have been involved in her death after the Reddit user said they “saw this girl in a pink/purple hoodie on her bike with another kid.”

Lily Peters, 10, visited her aunt's home in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, on Sunday night.  Her house is just a few streets away

Lily Peters, 10, visited her aunt’s home in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, on Sunday night. Her house is just a few streets away

Lily Peters' body was found Monday morning in a forest near a hiking trail in Chippewa Falls, northeast of Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Lily Peters’ body was found Monday morning in a forest near a hiking trail in Chippewa Falls, northeast of Eau Claire, Wisconsin

A chilling Reddit post may have helped police catch the killer of the 10-year-old girl who was allegedly choked to death and sexually assaulted by her cousin

A chilling Reddit post may have helped police catch the killer of the 10-year-old girl who was allegedly choked to death and sexually assaulted by her cousin

Another user said he called the police and informed them of the comment

Another user said he called the police and informed them of the comment

Police tape at the entrance to the wooded area where her body was discovered Monday morning

Police tape at the entrance to the wooded area where her body was discovered Monday morning

The child's body was found on a hiking trail less than a mile from her aunt's house, near where her bicycle was discovered

The child’s body was found on a hiking trail less than a mile from her aunt’s house, near where her bicycle was discovered

Lily Peter’s “Murder” timeline

Sunday 24.4

Lily Peters, 10, leaves her aunt’s house on her bike to go biking in the woods near Chippewa Falls, northeast of Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Lily’s father worries when she doesn’t return by 9 p.m. and reports her missing

Police looking for the ten-year-old found her bike in the woods near a trail between the end of N Grove Street and the Linsey Ball Brewery parking lot, four blocks from her aunt’s house

Police deploy canine units and drones as the search for Lily continues

Monday 25.4

Police find Lily’s remains in a wooded area near Chippewa Falls, northeast of Eau Claire

Lily Peters, 10, (pictured) was allegedly choked to death and sexually assaulted by her 14-year-old cousin

Lily Peters, 10, (pictured) was allegedly choked to death and sexually assaulted by her 14-year-old cousin

Tuesday 26.4

An anonymous Reddit user writes, “What’s scary is that I was playing Pokemon Go in the park that day walking down the same path, my stomach churns at the thought of seeing this girl in a pink/ purple hoodie with another kid on her bike saw my way out. I have a suspicion that it could have been another child.”

Police announce that they have arrested a suspect in Lily’s murder

Wednesday 27.4

Police say the suspect is Lily’s 14-year-old eighth-grade cousin

He is charged in adult court with first-degree first-degree murder, first-degree sexual assault and first-degree sexual assault on a child under the age of 13, resulting in aggravated assault. The bond is priced at $1 million

The Reddit user said: “What’s scary is that I was playing Pokemon Go in the park that day as I was walking down the same path.

“My stomach turns to think that on the way out I saw this girl in a pink/purple hoodie with another kid on her bike.

“I have a suspicion that it could have been another child.”

Another user later said he called the police and informed them of the comment.

On Tuesday, the same day the original post appeared, police announced they had arrested a suspect. A day later, they said he was Lily’s 14-year-old cousin.

He was charged in adult court with first-degree first-degree murder, first-degree sexual assault and first-degree sexual assault of a child under the age of 13, resulting in aggravated assault.

Despite objections from the defense, Judge Benjamin Lane posted bail of $1 million and barred the boy from having any contact with minors.

Lily, 10, disappeared Sunday night in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin after spending an afternoon with her aunt Lauri Davis, 45, and boyfriend John Repetto, 50.

Her father, Alex Peters, 43, reported Lily missing when she failed to return home around 9 p.m.

Cops launched a frantic search for the Parkview Elementary School student and found her bike Sunday night on a trail behind her aunt’s home.

Her body was found Monday at 9.15am in a wooded area just off a footpath and less than half a mile from the home she shared with her father Alex, mother Jennifer Eyerly, 38, and brother Dylan.

Her alleged killer, known as CP-B, emerged from juvenile detention via a Zoom connection with his attorneys.

He was charged with first-degree murder.

Wearing a black sweater, he sat in silence as the court heard “he told police from the start he intended to break up and kill the victim as he left the house and walked her down the street.” “.

Lily’s disappearance and murder has shocked the community of around 30,000 people in Chippewa Falls.

People living in the area told the 10-year-old has been regularly spotted riding her bike around town.

A large display of purple balloons and flowers has been set up on a bridge near the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewery near where Lily was found.

A security guard guarding the display said she recognized Lily immediately when she was reported missing because she often saw her cycling down that trail.

A fourth grader went missing Sunday night after visiting an aunt Her body was found along with her bike near a hiking trail in the small town

A fourth-grader went missing Sunday night after staying at an aunt’s house

Lily had been at her Aunt Laurie's home (pictured taped up by police) in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin when she failed to return home Sunday night

Lily had been at her Aunt Laurie’s home (pictured taped up by police) in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin when she failed to return home Sunday night

The house where Lily's aunt lives has been locked and is currently being guarded by the police.  Toys can be seen in the yard

The house where Lily’s aunt lives has been locked and is currently being guarded by the police. Toys can be seen in the yard

The house Lily was visiting before she disappeared has been taped over, and a hanging skeleton can be seen in a window

The house Lily was visiting before she disappeared has been taped over, and a hanging skeleton can be seen in a window

She told : “This is a small town so everyone knows everyone.

“I never spoke to Lily, but I saw her cycling all the time.”

Meanwhile, every tree on the street where the 10-year-old lived was decorated with purple ribbons, while some supportive signs were also seen on Davis’ street.

The house she shared with her son has been cordoned off and is currently being guarded by police.

A large display of purple balloons and flowers has been set up on a bridge near the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewery near where Lily was found

A large display of purple balloons and flowers has been set up on a bridge near the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewery near where Lily was found

A note written for Lily reads,

A note written for Lily reads, “I’m so sorry this happened to you, you didn’t deserve to die!”

A security guard guarding the display said she recognized Lily immediately when she was reported missing because she often saw her cycling down that trail

A security guard guarding the display said she recognized Lily immediately when she was reported missing because she often saw her cycling down that trail

Following Tuesday’s arrest of the boy, Chippewa Falls Police Chief Matt Kelm said, “While nothing will bring Lily Peters back or change what happened, we are so grateful to be bringing this news to the family and community.”

Kelm choked during the press conference announcing Lily’s death.

He added, “As you can imagine, anything involving one of our children is tremendously affecting our first responders, so it’s very difficult for them and investigators.”

Lily’s parents, Alex Peters and Jennifer Eyerly, 38, are still speaking publicly about the tragedy.

A family GoFundMe set up by one of her friends has already raised more than $20,000.