The study: Children with a dog or with several siblings are better protected against Crohn’s disease

Toddlers who grow up with a dog or in an extended family are more likely to be protected from an inflammatory bowel disease called Crohn’s Digestive Diseases (DDW) 2022, according to a study from Mount Sinai Hospital and the University of Toronto presented this week.

“Our study appears to complement others who have examined the hygiene hypothesis, which suggests that a lack of exposure to microbes at a young age can lead to a lack of immune regulation against environmental microbes,” said Williams Turpin, senior author of the study and a fellow researcher at Mount Sinai Hospital and the University of Toronto.

To gather information, the researchers used an environmental questionnaire from nearly 4,300 first-degree relatives of people with Crohn’s disease participating in the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada Genetic, Environmental, and Microbial (CCC-GEM) project. Using questionnaire responses collected at the time of hire and historical data, Dr. The analysis also included age at the time of exposure. The study found that exposure to dogs, particularly between the ages of 5 and 15, is linked to a healthy leaky gut and the balance between microbes in the gut and the body’s immune response, which could help protect against the disease. Similar effects were observed when exposed to dogs of all ages.

Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that affects approximately half a million people in the United States. It develops most commonly in young adults, people who smoke, and those with a close family member who has IBD. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. Treatments currently aim to prevent symptoms from flaring up through dietary changes, medications and surgery. “We haven’t seen the same results in cats, although we’re still trying to figure out why,” Turpin said. It could be because dog owners take their pets out more often or live in areas with more green spaces, which has previously been shown to protect against Crohn’s disease.” Another factor that protects against disease risk is living with three or more family members during the first year of life , which is associated with the composition of a stronger microbiome later in life. The gut microbiome is believed to play a role in a number of health conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, diabetes and hypertension. The reasons why dog ​​ownership and larger families appear to be protective against Crohn’s disease remain unclear. However, the researchers caution that caution should be exercised when interpreting these results due to possible recall bias at the time of recruitment. In fact, early childhood environmental factors were assessed using questionnaires.

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