They oppose police repression of anti mining protests in Ecuador

QUITO, July 14 (Prensa Latina) The November 15 People’s Committee in Ecuador today opposed the police crackdown on protests in the town of Las Naves, Bolívar province, against mining activities there.

In a statement, the group reiterated that mining posed the greatest threat to the peoples and denounced that Guillermo Lasso’s government had given away large tracts of land in various Ecuadorian territories in favor of transnational mining, they noted.

Likewise, the People’s Committee warned that all kinds of crimes are being committed in the mining areas under the protection of the state’s repressive organs together with the paramilitary gangs of the mining companies.

At least two people were arrested and ten injured in a confrontation between the National Police and residents of Las Naves this Friday afternoon.

The National Anti-Mining Front denounced via its social network Twitter that around 300 uniformed officers shot tear gas canisters and stones at people demonstrating in that city.

Subsequently, prosecutors reported the opening of an investigation into the destruction of a Community Police Unit (UPC) during the riots.

In addition, the State Department asked the National Police to deploy a new contingent of uniformed officers from Los Ríos to increase security in the area.

On the other hand, the Alliance of Human Rights Organizations denounced police excesses in controlling the protest.

Recently, residents of this town reported hearing strange noises resembling cannon shots shaking the ground. That started a month ago.

Nearby the area is the Curipamba mining project managed by the Curimining company and many residents of this area have expressed their unease with the company’s presence, as they think the noise is coming from mining activities.

The Las Naves community has opposed mining activity in the area for more than 15 years, arguing that it seriously affects water sources and the natural environment.
