Three American students face charges of ‘terrorist threats’ after challenge on TikTok | CMKX Radio Bayamo

Three American students face charges of terrorist threats after challenge

Three Oldham County, Kentucky, students are facing “terrorist threats” charges for video intimidating their teachers by claiming they were carrying bombs and concealed weapons, images they took as part of a TikTok challenge , CBS News reported on Saturday.

Three incidents occurred at Oldham County High School last week, according to the Oldham County Police Department. Three 15-year-old students posted videos on the social network telling their teachers that they carried a bomb or a gun in their backpack for fun in order to face a new challenge. As a result, two juveniles have been charged with second-degree terrorist threats and another juvenile faces third-degree terrorist threat charges.

The county school district warned parents that students who participated in the challenge would face “serious consequences” and advised them to keep an eye on their children’s accounts.

“Whether written or verbal, all threats will be taken seriously and students must be aware of the short- and long-term implications of these actions,” the district statement said. Authorities noted that “even if the threats are not credible, they can cause significant stress or anxiety among students, families and staff.”