Tinder has a high rate of engaged users; understand schooling

Tinder’s reputation as a dating app for singles could change soon. A curious recent study found that more than half of the platform’s users are actually in a relationship.

That’s right, you just read it! Many profiles present in the app come from people who are already active outside of the app. Learn more!

Survey shows most Tinder users are already engaged

With the advancement of technology and the popularization of dating apps, the dynamics of relationships have changed significantly.

A study conducted by the University of Picardy Jules Verne in France found that 65% of users of Tinder are in a relationship.

This means it’s a very high percentage, which goes against the popular notion that the app is mostly used by singles looking to meet new people.

What attracts committed people to Tinder?

Apparently, dating users sign up for Tinder for a variety of reasons. Some might be looking for an emotional outlet, while others might just be curious about what’s happening in the world of dating apps.

The dating app appears to be fertile ground for those who are already in a relationship, whether out of curiosity, looking for an emotional outlet, or for other reasons.

Regardless of their motives, these people challenge traditional relationship and dating norms.

(Image: Disclosure)

The influence of social media on relationships

Social networks have become an essential part of our daily life and it also affects our romantic relationships.

With the advent of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other platforms, the way we connect and interact with others has changed dramatically.

However, this change is not without consequences. Often the social media They can become a breeding ground for jealousy, insecurity and even betrayal.

The ease of connecting with people from the past, the constant contact with the lives of others, and the pressure to maintain a perfect image can create tension and challenges in relationships.

If you’re in a relationship, look for ways to strengthen it despite the internet. Never vice versa!