Tiziano Ferro falls in love with the little boy. This is how she forgets her ex husband autoruote4x4.com autoruote4x4.com

Tiziano Ferro - Fonte_web - autoruote4x4.comTiziano Ferro – font_web – autoruote4x4.com

Tiziano Ferro loses his head for him. After the disappointment of separating from her husband, the singer-songwriter is finally smiling again.

Tiziano Ferro is one of the most appreciated singers in Italian pop music. It certainly couldn't be otherwise, considering how many successes the Latina singer has sung not only by himself but also by other great voices of music in our country.

In the 2000s, Tiziano achieved great success that overwhelmed him. It was precisely in these years that he debuted his Xdono and his very first album Relatively red. His second album is much more introspective 111that talks about Titian, about his life before success.

The singer-songwriter has never hidden and always brought a piece of himself into his music, without facing the problem of being accepted or not by everyone else. He has achieved success, not only in Italy, but also in Latin American countriesPlaces where his music, like that of many other local singers, is sung and appreciated.

Then he went public with an autobiographical book in which he revealed the whole truth about himself and came out. This was followed by the marriage, the adoption of his children and the sad news of separation.

A separation that leaves its mark

By marrying her now ex-husband, Tiziano Ferro seemed to have finally found her place in the world. This too, thank you to adopt his or her two children. But in the last few months, just before Christmas, the Latina singer was hit by bad news, namely her divorce from her husband.

A difficult moment for Ferro, far away from his loved ones, he had to cope with everything alone. He is currently a full-time father and when we talk about a love, we simply mean his car, i.e. one Fiat 124.

Fiat 124 - font_depositphotos - autoruote4x4.comFiat 124 – font_depositphotos – autoruote4x4.com

It's not the only one in Tiziano's garage

This car model appeared in one of Tiziano Ferro's videos. However, the singer has often featured beautiful cars in his video clips, all of which are very special. And I'll look for you, here's one Ford Mustangbut still a Ford Thunderbird for the video We could return.

The Latina singer, very active on social media, posted an iconic photo on his Facebook page a few years ago Autobianchi 112.

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