Tom Hardy responds after Charlize Theron called him “aggressive” in Mad Max: Fury Road

Tom Hardy responded to reports that Charlize Theron felt threatened by his behavior on the set of Mad Max: Fury Road.

The couple has been working on the film since 2015, but had such an explosive relationship on set that they often took part in intense shouts, with Theron calling Hardy “hell ***” after he made her wait on set. landing. o’clock.

Theron, 46, also had a female producer with her as a “defense” at all times, as she was “madly frightened” by “aggressive” Hardy, 44, according to a new book by New York Times columnist Kyle Buchanan.

Referring to the tension Hardy admitted to Buchanan: “Looking back, I was in my head in many ways. The pressure on both of us was sometimes enormous.

“What she needed was a better, maybe more experienced partner in me. This is something that cannot be falsified. I would like to think that now that I am older and uglier, I could touch on this occasion.

I was in my head “: Tom Hardy admits that Charlize Theron needs a” more experienced “colleague in” Crazy Max: The Road to Rage “after it turned out that the actress” wants protection “from him on the set

Hardy plays the protagonist, who was played by Mel Gibson in the first three films in the series, while Theron plays the newcomer Emperor Furioza, a lieutenant of the villain Immortan Joe (Hugh Keys-Byrne), who turns against his team leader – with Max.

In an excerpt from Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild And True Story Of Mad Max: Fury Roa, published by Vanity FairNatasha Hopkins, a stuntwoman on Fury Road, said Theron did not want to waste time on set, as she was a new mother at the time and balanced her role with parenthood.

But cameraman Mark Goelnicht remembered how Hardy was often late for filming.

He recounted a day when Theron was on set at exactly eight o’clock and preparing her make-up and costume before entering the film War Rig.

However, although the producers made a “special request” for Hardy to show up on time, it would be hours before he arrived.

“It’s nine o’clock, Tom’s still missing,” Goelnicht said. “Charlize, do you want to get off the battlefield and walk around, or do you want …” – No, I will stay here. She really would make a point. She didn’t go to the bathroom, she didn’t do anything. She was just sitting in the Military Platform.

Tom admitted: “The pressure on both of us was huge at times. What he needed was a better, perhaps more experienced partner in me.

Hardy finally arrived after 11 a.m., while Theron had remained in the vehicle the entire time.

“She jumps from the Military Platform and starts swearing at him, saying, ‘Fine a hundred thousand dollars for every minute he keeps this crew,’ and ‘How disrespectful you are!'” Goelnicht continued.

“She was right.” Complete jealousy. She screamed. It’s so strong, it’s so windy – he may have heard some of it, but he rushed to her and said, “What did you tell me?”

The cameraman said Hardy looked “quite aggressive” and that his partner “really felt threatened.”

“It was a turning point, because then she said, ‘I want someone as protection.’ Then she had a producer who was assigned to be with her all the time,” he explained.

“He got to a place where he was kind of out of control and there was a feeling that maybe sending a woman producer could do some of it because I didn’t feel safe,” Theron explained.

“Somehow I put my foot down.” [Director] George [Miller] then he said: “Well, well, if Denise comes …. “He was open to it, and it made me breathe a little, because I had a feeling I was going to make another woman know what I was facing,” she continued.

However, she noted that “when I was on set, I still felt quite naked and alone” because producer Denise Di Novi was forced to stay in the production office and was not allowed on the set by order of producer Doug Mitchell.

Kelly Marcel, a screenwriter and friend of Hardy’s, called Mitchell a bulldog.

Squeezed: Theron asked veteran producer Denise Di Novi to accompany her to the set, but producer Doug Mitchell forced her to stay in the production office to avoid delays and keep her away from director George Miller (R).

“He will defend George no matter what, at any cost. And you can send your producer, you can do whatever you want, but if you have Doug to stay there, it makes absolutely no sense unless he wants you there, “she said. He would never allow anyone to break this world, no matter how hard the world was.

Marcel also said that the battle between the main actors comes from “a really intense, intense, intense period of intense, intense place”, although she claims that “The family was created there and the family loves and hates each other”.

She explained that Hardy was “very physical and ubiquitous and will experience many different things,” while Theron was “cerebral and very consistent in the way she approaches a character.”

“Both are powerful, but in many different ways. Which, oddly enough, is the reason the film works: everything pours on the screen.

Conflict: Kelly Marcel, a screenwriter and friend of Hardy’s, said he was “very physical and ubiquitous and will experience many different things”, while Theron was “cerebral and very consistent in the way he approaches a character”; still from Fury Road

Looking back, Theron thinks “it would be wise for us to hire a female producer.”

“You understand the needs of a director who wants to defend his set, but when it comes to push and things get out of hand, you have to be able to think about it in a broader sense,” she continued. “We would have done better here if George had believed that no one would come and fuck with his vision, but would just come and help mediate situations.”

She theorized that Miller “didn’t want any interference,” but that led to a few weeks in this movie where I wouldn’t know what was going to happen to me, and that’s not necessarily a good thing to feel when you’re on your own. work. It was a bit like walking on thin ice.

Miller said he was disappointed with the process [sic]”,” Looking back, if I had to do it again, I would probably be more careful. ”

Hardy said he was “in my head in many ways.”

“The pressure on the two of us was sometimes enormous. “What he needed was a better, maybe more experienced partner in me,” he admitted. “This is something that cannot be falsified. I would like to think that now that I am older and uglier, I could touch on this occasion.

Missed opportunity: Theron realized that director George Miller was worried that his vision was being hampered by a woman producer, but she thought her presence would help “mediate”; still from Fury Road

Hardy said he was “in my head in many ways” and added that Theron needed a “more experienced” partner at the time; still from Fury Road

Goelnicht noted that Hardy “was a different person to the end” and he and Theron seemed to warm up to each other after filming scenes together later in the production.

He said Hardy was much easier to deal with, much more cooperative, more compassionate. He’s such an actor from Method that I think he took the rainbow literally.

In particular, Miller continues with the Crazy Max franchise after the feud between Theron and Hardy on set, but the next film in the series will be a prequel titled Furiosa, which will focus on a younger version of the character, with Anya Taylor. Joy takes on the role of Theron.

Although Hardy once said he was attached to more sequels to Crazy Max, it’s unclear if these films are still in the works.

Miller has been involved since 2017 in a lawsuit filed in Australia against Warner Bros. for the millions of bonuses he claims he owes for Fury Road.

The director claims that Mad Max: Fury Road has fallen within the budget, a requirement to receive bonus payments.

But Warner Bros. claims that the film exceeded the budget due to repeated photos.

Miller and his production company claim that Warner Bros. required additional reshoots and that the studio initially stated that the price of the re-shoot would not be included in the original price of the production.

The director successfully managed to keep his case in Australia after Warners tried unsuccessfully to move the lawsuit to California, where he expected to receive a more favorable solution.

Missed: Despite the emergence of the popular role of Furiosa, the role of Theron was reworked with Anya Taylor-Joy in the upcoming prequel to Miller Furiosa; seen in February 2020 in Hollywood