Two women will head the Brazilian embassies in Venezuela and Guyana Check

The lack of a Brazilian representative in Venezuela is a consequence of the decision of former President Jair Bolsonaro, who decided in 2020 to close the embassy in Caracas.

Under the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the Brazilian embassy and consulates in Venezuela reopened. But the leadership still had to be appointed.

His hearing was also marked by a debate over Venezuela's intention to annex part of Guyana. “I have no doubt that Brazil's efforts to seek dialogue and maintain peace in the region will be at the top of our priority list,” he said.

For her, it is “very positive that Celac is trying to find a solution”. The region's task is precisely to find a local authority that will allow it to find a way out without involving foreign powers.

During the hearing, Senator Hamilton Mourão (RepublicanosRS) stressed that the two diplomats will be “in the eye of the storm.”

The governments of Venezuela and Guyana will meet on Thursday in the hope of finding a peaceful way out of the crisis. “We have to build bridges. This meeting is scheduled for the 14th and this fact is very important. We have seen a scenario that has moments of greater tension and searching for ways forward. I think we are all very attentive to what will unfold in the future in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,” concluded the diplomat.