Ukraine, Picierno Tarquinio dispute on La7. “If the peace you want is made with massacres, make them…

Ukraine Picierno Tarquinio dispute on La7 If the peace you

hard fight u The wind that blows (La7) between the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Pina Piciernoand the director of come, Mark Tarquiniusabout the war in Ukraine.
The journalist first answers the moderator myrta merlin, who asks him how it is possible to make peace with an autocrat like Putin who wants to attack the West: “The bottom line of your argument is that there is no alternative to the war of the worlds. In fact, part of the media and political system is saying that we have decades of war ahead of us“.

The Democratic Party exponent mumbles and shakes his head, but Tarquinio disagrees: “Don’t shake your head, President Picierno, because that’s the truth. The rift dug in Europe by the war in Ukraine is the rift of the new War of the Worlds. Ukraine is the victim of all of this. We have been at war with the breasts of Ukrainians for a year. Putin mainly because he attacked, but I don’t agree with that Francesca Mannocchi when he says this is a very different war than any other. This is instead the second half of the war in Ukraine, but it’s the same logic – he explains – that of a fratricidal, horrible war with thousands of dead and with neglected minorities that nobody wanted to see in both Ukraine and in Russia. If Europe did not initiate Ukraine’s EU membership earlier, it is because Ukraine does not meet the minimum standards. We open rattling infringement procedures against Poland and Hungary, not to mention the Balkan states that lie outside the EU. In any case, let’s be very careful, because we continue to say that there is no alternative to war and that war must be waged“.

Also read La7 | by FQ.

Ukraine, Revelli on La7: “If we continue like this, we’ll end up in the abyss, the good guys don’t win in wars. Biden and Meloni in Kiev? Degrading Apparitions”

Merlin and the correspondent Francesca Mannocchi, who showed pictures of the completely deserted Ukrainian city of Izyum, Tarquinio replies: “I know, this is war. The other 168 conflicts are also close to my heart. And we tell everyone, not just one, because it’s on our doorstep. this is that Pharisaism of a world willing to sell guns for everyone and to foment the wars, only to say he’s doing it to defend the peace. It’s time to end this story. The world is in bad shape because we are stuffing it with weapons and constantly building mechanisms of destruction.”

Picierno rises and repeats: “So how do we make this peace? AND Putin the aggressor, and it is he who systematically refuses any attempt at negotiation. If the peace you say must go through the sacrifice of children of women raped, of people massacred in their own homes, I tell you yesI have some questions to ask“.
Tarquinio replies: “Don’t say anything you regret, President. Don’t say anything you can say just because you’re immune. Be careful what you say.”
“I didn’t insult her in any way – replies the MEP – I just asked her a question.”
“I don’t have to prove anything to politicians,” replies the director of Avvenire.