Venezuelan Socialists to Hold V Congress Sessions – Radio Florida, Florida news and current affairs

Venezuelan Socialists to Hold V Congress Sessions Radio Florida

Caracas, April 18 The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) begins today the plenary sessions of the Fifth Congress, where the organization’s new code of ethics will be presented for approval.

This Monday, all the bases of the PSUV will mobilize and meet in Caracas, and on the 19th the plenary will be set up, as announced by the party’s first vice-president, Diosdado Cabello. Among the most important measures is the adoption of the above code, which, according to the socialist leader, should be an effective tool in the fight against corruption, crime and bureaucracy.

During the development of the 5th Congress last March, Jorge Rodríguez, a member of the organization’s leadership, pushed to save the internal ethics and proposed to establish an evolved code with more details and with more force to meet the needs of the people to meet in it political and social matter.

The new document, which will be adopted during the plenary session, is part of the organization’s measures in the fight against corruption and other deviations in the ranks of militancy, in which the example of cadres, discipline and other essential aspects for the correct functioning of the party .

Taken from the Latin Press