Viih Tube shares what her first sexual relationship with Eliezer was like after giving birth Portal do Holanda

Viih Tibe told her followers how her first relationship after giving birth was with her husband Eliezer.

“I had 15 very difficult days where I really healed myself a lot, I overwhelmed myself a lot, I was very sad. I was going through something like the end of the world, a phase that would never go away. I felt strange things, strange thoughts, I was very afraid of everything. After those 15 days it started to get better,” he recalls.

The young woman clarified that she followed the doctor’s recommendations and that after the birth of my daughter Lua I will wait about two months before having sex again. She also said that Eliezer had not made any allegations and that everything happened “naturally”.

“I’m very lucky to have a man at home who respects me so much. It’s my postpartum moment and he respects my wishes. Viih Tube also shared the “surprise” he experienced with the return of libido.

“No mother told me that, but it hurt a lot the first time, just like when I lost my virginity, except there was no bleeding. Fortunately, the discomfort was only momentary. “Then it was great, on Monday it didn’t hurt anymore,” he explained, emphasizing how important it is to use lubricants at the right time.

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Portal do Holanda was founded on November 14, 2005. First with a column that bore the name of its founder, the journalist Raimundo de Holanda. Then he moved to Blog do Holanda and finally to Portal do Holanda. It was one of the first websites in the state of Amazonas. It is audited by IVC and ComScore.