War in Ukraine: NATO and Russia deploy nearly 100 ships, tensions rise in Baltic Sea

NATO and its allies have launched Operation Baltops 2022 in the Baltic Sea, an annual exercise organized by the Commander of US Naval Forces Europe. In response, Russia deployed about twenty warships for training maneuvers in the waters of the Baltic Sea.

Fourteen members of the Alliance and, for the first time, two NATO Partner countries, Finland and Sweden, are currently participating in Exercise Baltic Operations (BALTOPS 22), involving more than 45 warships, more than 75 aircraft and 7,500 military personnel. Maneuvers began on June 5 in Sweden, which, like Finland, opted to join the Atlantic Alliance, drawing criticism from neighboring Russia.

In a highly tense geopolitical context, in the midst of the war in Ukraine, this major exercise prompted an immediate reaction from the Kremlin, which responded by deploying its naval forces in the Baltic Sea. The presence of a hundred ships in the Baltic Sea and as many military aircraft over the next few days is likely to increase tensions between NATO and Russia.

The Baltic represents a major challenge for Russia as it represents an always free access to the North Sea which opens the way to the Atlantic. Therefore, Russia’s military presence in this region, especially in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, is very important. Hence Russia’s reaction to the 2022 Baltops exercise.

On June 9, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the start of naval maneuvers involving around 60 ships and 40 aircraft. They must last until June 19th.

“As part of these maneuvers, tactical naval groups of the Baltic Fleet left their bases and were deployed to specific areas to conduct training tasks to protect and defend sea lanes and bases. [russes]”, he said in a press release. And to specify that exercises are also planned in Kaliningrad. According to the Tass Agency, “currently more than 20 ships of the Russian Baltic Fleet are taking part in these exercises,” Moscow reported on Tuesday.

#Cooperation | The detachment of Sea Patrol Flotilla 21F, arming the La Sude-based ATL2, trained with the Marines in hunting down submarines? and ??. This combined exercise @NATO_MARCOM improves the interoperability of Alliance navies. pic.twitter.com/ZW1tAoHK1P

– French Army – Military Operations (@EtatMajorFR) June 9, 2022