We cannot ignore NATO’s nuclear capability, says Putin

the Russian autocrat Wladimir Putin (Photo) said this Sunday (26) that the goal of NATO is to “dissolve the old Soviet Union and its fundamental part, the Russian Federation”.

“In today’s conditions, when all major NATO countries have declared that their main objective is not to inflict strategic defeatso our people suffer as they say how can we ignore theirs nuclear skills under these conditions?” he asked in a statement to state television Rossiya 1.

“She [Ocidente] deliver weapons worth tens of billions of dollars Ukraine. This is real involvement,” he said, adding that NATO countries are complicit in the crimes of the Kiev regime “albeit indirectly”.

Last Tuesday, Putin announced the suspension of Russia’s participation in the treaty. reboot with US, the last nuclear arms control treaty to come into force. The agreement, which is valid until 2026, stipulates that both the USA and Russia will stick to it 90% of the nuclear arsenal worldwide, stick to the maximum 1,600 warheads on standby.

Also read the report Crusoe this shows the horror scenario that Putin is provoking a year after the start of the invasion Ukraine.