We can't accommodate everyone!

There is one thing that we don't talk about enough when we deal with the issue of asylum seekers.

Yes, we have to consider our absorption capacity.

But you also need to take the time to carefully consider WHO you are welcoming.

Just because someone applies for asylum in Canada does not mean they should automatically be granted it.

We have the right to decide who gets in and who doesn't.


On February 13, the National Post published a very interesting piece by an Iranian citizen named Siavash Safavi.

This man (who now makes a living as a translator) was arrested and tortured in his home country for participating in student protests.

He was sentenced to prison and was able to leave Iran with the help of a smuggler.

He managed to get to Turkey on horseback through the mountains, where he applied for political asylum in Canada.

He had to wait a year for approval from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, then 18 months for his application to be approved by Canadian security authorities.

He came to Canada after spending two and a half years in Turkey.


In 2013, writes Siavash Safavi, Canada (then under the leadership of Stephen Harper) was accepting 24,000 refugees per year.

Authorities took the time to carefully review each request.

But when Justin Trudeau took power, he opened the country's borders wide and welcomed tens of thousands of refugees from Syria.

But according to this Iranian immigrant, the more Canada rushes to accept refugees to realize Justin's crazy dream of building the “first post-national state in the world,” the less time it will take to review the merits of each application.

Result: Many of these refugees should not end up here.

“When we accept refugees from countries where the dominant culture or state ideology is very different from ours, we must take the time to carefully analyze each request to ensure that immigrants who espouse extremist ideas are not allowed into the country will be.” writes Safavi.

Unfortunately, that's not what the Trudeau government is doing.

We accept people who “believe that all white people are evil, that Jews are a virus that must be eradicated, that members of the LGBTQ community are evil, that women must be submissive to men, and that violence is necessary to destroy people correct those who don’t.” Respect our culture.

“If we do this,” Siavash Safavi continues, “we are paving the way for the balkanization of the country.” We cannot demand that people who have nothing in common – or, worse, who hate each other – live in the same country life.”

We shot ourselves in the foot

For this Iranian citizen, “anyone with even the slightest common sense knows that accepting people who hate your culture is not a healthy immigration policy, it is simply masochism, and that will end badly.”