Weekly horoscope from January 28th to February 3rd: your luck for this week; See which signs are lucky for you – India Today

This is what the old tarot cards say about your sun sign this week:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Stop sitting on the fence. You may be running out of time before making an important decision. Or intentionally ignore the alarm bells. Before it's too late, vote. If work feels boring, ask yourself how you can improve or take steps to find something else. A senior colleague shows their true colors or feels intimidated by your exceptional intelligence. Domestic affairs look peaceful, perhaps it's time to move or tidy up or renovate your living space. Don't spend too much time analyzing, start putting your great ideas into action. Health issues indicate that some lifestyle changes are necessary. Money matters may require a little more care, especially when it comes to your spending habits.

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You begin to assert your need for independence. You no longer want to be controlled or told how to do things. Part of you may have had enough of the job and home environment and you may take steps to work alone in the coming weeks. This phase favors those who want to start their own business, become self-employed or even end a relationship. Your mind is clear and you are determined to get what you want. Don't trust anyone blindly. They may promise much more than they can deliver. Or just take you with me. A stressful situation surrounding a person's health begins to relax when a new routine is established. Just take care of your own health in the coming days. The money owed to you will be refunded.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You feel like celebrating and socializing. Look forward to being together with close friends and family. And work-related events where you can meet old faces and even make a few new contacts. If you've been busy with an important project, expect to reach an important milestone that invites celebration and a sigh of relief. You are surrounded by stable and supportive relationships and may not even be aware of how popular or loved you are. Money can be spent on buying gifts and treating loved ones to a special meal. It's worth it, but don't overdo it and remember to stay within your means. The good news is that your energy and vitality will return if you have been sick. And if you're planning a baby, you might actually be in for some good news.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Lady Luck smiles at you. A time of sudden positive changes begins. And it could all start with your mindset. You start to look at things more optimistically. And discover how much you have let go of. Part of you is ready for the new and exciting, and other people will pick up on your vibe and be drawn to you. Work and money matters are showing an upward trend, especially for Cancer patients in the areas of finance, IT, manufacturing and retail. And maybe you're making plans for the next step in your career. Changes can also happen in relationships that require a little more communication and even sacrifice, but in the long run you'll be glad you did it now. A flexible approach to family members helps to strengthen bonds. Health questions look good.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Time to let go of the past and see things the way they are meant to be seen. Changes in the workplace related to new colleagues and company policies can make you forget the old days. Don't resist things, just go with the flow for now and stay rooted in the present moment. Forgive those who have hurt you and move on, especially with regards to old friendships. A relationship can feel boring or even overwhelming when you realize that the old passion has disappeared and the two of you have evolved into different people. An old flame can suddenly reconnect out of the blue. Or you might find that you miss someone from a long time ago. Spending time outdoors or with small children and pets will rekindle your curiosity and love of play. Money matters require you to organize the paperwork a little better. Once the sorting is done, you are free.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Time to pay attention. Time to be brave. The universe has been trying to tell you something for a long time, but you may not be listening. Pay attention to the clues. Listen to your inner voice. And please ignore the doubts and self-criticism. With greater self-awareness, healing can take place and things can get much better. A loved one may need to travel or move abroad. Or you have to travel at short notice. When it comes to work and money, now is the time to take action. Any delay on your part could result in you missing out on opportunities. Don't be too critical of other people. A tolerant approach leads to more harmony both at work and at home. Legal matters may be delayed, but this gives you time to prepare. You may find yourself thinking endlessly about every purchase. If you need something and can afford it, just buy it!

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Time to recharge your batteries. If you've been feeling bad or just drained from doing so much for everyone, the cards encourage you to step away and relax. Be patient with yourself and others. Now is not the time for action, but for silence. We find answers in our quietest moments. And it would be wise to stick to your guns and keep your ideas to yourself until the time is right. When it comes to matters of the heart, you may find that someone's childishness or whims start to get on your nerves. Before you explode, step back for a while and ask yourself why you let yourself be influenced like this. Job seekers and students may have to wait a little longer for answers. Just stay optimistic while you wait. Health topics show the need to rest the body and mind.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)

Take responsibility. Show them who's boss. Energy levels can be high. And your ambitions are at their peak right now. Use this energy to tackle your projects, dreams and multitask. Others will be impressed by your confidence and outgoing personality. And now is not the time to let anyone stand in your way. An older woman can help you advance in your career or career. You can make a positive impression anywhere. Singles may find themselves actively pursuing someone and refusing to take no for an answer. Persistence pays off. Financially, this energy attracts abundance, so use this time to the fullest. Just watch out for temper tantrums. Not everyone is like you, so be patient with them.

Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

When the student is ready, the master appears. Either you are meeting with a mentor or guru who shares certain truths, or you are ready for the next phase of learning in your journey. A period of quiet introspection will reveal where you may have gone right and where you may have made mistakes. A wonderful time for students, your efforts will bear fruit and those who are preparing for higher studies can achieve success in their path. In relationships, respect the other person's need for privacy. You may be willing to share your life, but it may become quiet from time to time. Career topics are becoming more and more popular, you get along well in groups and anything that has to do with teams is sure to be a success. Be aware of sudden changes to your travel plans.

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

The little child in you needs attention. Time to nurture your creative side and your imagination. Maybe you're feeling more playful. Or you are full of ideas. This is a good time to start something new, especially in the field of writing, art, and design. If you've felt a little let down by your colleagues or your organization, don't retreat, but find ways to persevere and prove your worth to those you care about. Sensitivity in matters of the heart goes a long way. It could be that you become closer to someone you just met. Or even meet a soulmate who feels “right” for your soul. If there's one thing you should pay attention to in your sleep schedule, it's that too much or too little can be harmful to your health. So make sure you take your rest hours./

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

You care about everyone and everything around you except yourself. Prioritize your own needs for a change before you burn out or become exhausted. Work demands may increase in the coming weeks, and if you don't set boundaries, you may find yourself resentful of your workload. Even in relationships, you may feel like you're the one doing all the work to make things work. Step back a little and bring things back into balance. The best friendships are based on equality and give and take. Be a little cautious financially or someone might take advantage of your generosity and it might be difficult to say no.

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

Time to be independent and focus on your goals. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by temptations and time-consuming activities and instead use this energy to grow. Your efforts at work and in studies promise reward and recognition, provided you persist and don't give up even on difficult days. A relationship that develops now has the potential to become a long-term commitment with a growing sense of emotional stability. You have a deep understanding of your emotions and those of the other person, and this level of empathy will only win you friends and companions for life. Just make sure you don't treat yourself to luxuries you don't need right now. Save it for large expenses that arise later.

(Mita Bhan is a tarot reader and holistic healer)

Published on:

January 28, 2024